Chapter 2 : Am I really a ... monster ?

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Chiakis Pov :

I left Komaeda at his house , meanwhile I needed to hurry for my very own party .I came to my house , left my backpack on the floor , went up stairs as fast as I could , I tooked my oufit and went to the bathroom. We had a race today in school so I didnt want to come to my own birthday party stinky , so I had a shower and then I got enterteined with my nitendo , but thats ok .(Chiaki isnt ok😂)

My outfit was very basic , it was just a grey t-shirt with a tiny purple hart and some and green shorts that had a nice peacfull forest .I wish all of my classmates and I could go to an island and relax on the beach. Anyway I dont were makeup so i deciced to do something with my hair ... I thought a lot ... pigtales ... curly hair ...But then scence I was to lazy ,I went with to small buns .Yup that will do it :)

I was done and very happy .I had so much time left before everyone would come .I sat on my bed and hoped everything turnes out well , I looked at my phone and saw the time , 20minutes left ... So I randomly started to text Komaeda ...why do I feel wierd when Im with him ? Its not because he is wierd or Im wierd ...I just have this feeling for him ...I started to type  my wierd feelings and type if he would like to spend time with me the next day . I finished the text but without sending it to him , cause I got distracted with a knock on my door .

I got up , went down the stairs and saw my very good friends .

-Hey guys! Nice to see you join my birthday party . -I said giving them a smile

-Happy Birthday !- They said .I noticed some people were still missing but they will come later , maybe they are just late .As my good friends were entering my house they gived me a hug or some were jumping by exitment or something like that .I invited a friend that I know who comes from a different academy , eventually he dosent have so much friends , maybe he will make friends with these guys ... and I hope he dosent get troubled ...

Nagito's Pov :

I was on my way to Nanami's house but I saw her favorite icecream shop , so I went there and usually when I am with her she uses her finger to choose a type of flavor .I had the brilliant idea , I ordered every single flavor with one scoop in 2 small , plastic boxes for her birthday .Also when we play together her videogames we eat snacks , so this is probably the best present I can give her .I hope she likes it ...

I got the 2 plastic boxes in a pikachu bag (another birthday present ) and saw one of my best friends , Kazuichi Soda . I came next to him and he got suprised . He talked about Sonia and that he really wanted her and blah , blah ... I simply told him he should try asking her out and maybe luck will happen , hey , who knows?

We arrived to Nanami's house and the first thing I heard was Ibuki singing/shouting .It looked like a normal day in class.The door opened and there was this cute , tiny girl looking at me with a very happy smile, my •Nanami• .

-Komaeda , you camed ! Thank you for coming .-She hugged me with a beautiful smile on her face .

-Of course I camed , why wouldnt I come . Its my best friends 17th birthday ! - She stopped hugging me and looked at my eyes , holding my hands .

-OK lovers let me through .- Said Kazuichi . We didnt even remember he was there for a while , we blushed and let him through .
I gave her the pikachu bag present and told her to look inside .She screamed with exitment and started to jump a little bit :
-Awwww thank you , your so cute !-That made me blush even harder .-You know me so well !!! Wait here , I have a suprise for you so you can enjoy my party .- She said running inside .She came back and gave me a Dr.Hopper can .

-A Dr.Hopper ? For me ? Thank you !-I said politely , she took me by the hand inside and it was crazy . There was music , there were party-disco lights and the best of all there they were , my best friends and her...

We drank , we danced , we jumped , we ... and then finally I went to the living room to relax for a while . And then there was this strange boy I had not seen in my life , probably it was just this "friend" of Chiaki . I got serious and started to ask him questions .

-Hi , who are you ? - I asked
-Oh Im just a friend of Chiaki , Hajime Hinata , nice to meet you .-Hinata said .Those words : nice-to-meet-you , pissed me of for some reason( this part is when my sick illness-personality started)
-Do you have a talent ? What is hope for you ? Are you sure you are not something more than "friend"with Chiaki ?-I got so angry when I thought they were something else .
-Hey wth is your problem ? - He stood up and face to faced me .Everything went so fast.
-Im sorry , are you the guy who loves Hopes Peak Acade- . I couldnt finish because I was already at the floor by the punch he gave to my face. Everyone was staring and commenting on what happened ...I stayed on the floor on my knees . Later than I knew it I looked at him with swirley circles in my eyes . He looked at me like he saw a monster . He lifted me up and put his hands on my neck and starting to strangle me . I felt how blood was running out of my nose and mouth . He was pushing me on the wall so he could finish me ...

It was about time ... but I still had hope in me and I kicked him so he could let go of me .Sonia camed to me and had put her hand on my back .She was worried and asked me if Im ok , I simply said : Im fine .I was shocked and scared , at that moment I was weak. It made me remember the moment when I was like 11 years old and got kidnapped . I tried to clean the blood of my face but there was more to that and worse.Finally I found my angel...

Chiaki Pov :

I noticed that there was a lot of people in the living room so I went to check what was going on .There was a lot of shouting whitch was made me worry ...

-Monster!- Thats voice was too familiar to hear ...
-Monster?-I still didnt know what was happening at that moment , I only saw Hajime angry and everyone panicing .
-What the hell is wrong with you ?! You dont know how to comunicate ?!Is that your excuse ?! - Said Hajime .
-Hey!Whats going on here?-I said calm and polite trying not to panic .
-This guy has his mind in a a different place thats whats wrong with him-Said that braty Hyoko pointing at Komaeda.

I kinda knew what happened but still I had no clue . The thing that popped in my haed was that Komaeda again had his wierd personality ilness start . Poor him , if only people knew him better ... At least he has me .
-Everyone , please can you give him a little bit of space ?!-. I got mad at everyone tellling him he is a monster and more stuff...
-N-Nanami ...? -. Komaeda said suttering , I could tell by his face that he just wants to leave , and you know what me too .
-Nagito?Are you ok ? - I said to him , looking at his grey watery eyes made him breath slower , I holded his hands gently . He nodded fast , looking at Hajime scared .

I soon realized it was Hinata ... I know this is all because of Komaeda's personality change but he at least could have be patient , I already told Hinata about Komaeda ....

-Hajime?.-I looked at him confused .
-So are you guys dating or what? Cause that guy clearly dosent even know who he is .-He sounded so brave but at the same time jealous , it kinda made me sick .I got so pissed that I told everyone to go home , its about time and I said my final words to

-Wait until you know his stories ! F*** you Hajime , I thought I trusted you .

Chapter 2 Ended .

Hope you guys enjoyed it , it took a while to think about what next will happen and also I have a lot of homework because of quarentine .
I will post sooner , bye!

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