Chapter 1

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Hey guys!!
A few things about this au before we start.
•It's the 1920's, obviously, so being gay isn't an okay thing, like at all. Except for the really chill criminals that don't care. We stan.
• I know very very little about the 1920's in general, let alone Japan in the 1920's, which is why this story is going to take place in America. I have no clue if them being Japanese will play a big roll or if it'll even be mentioned.
• As stated before, I know next to nothing about the 1920's, so the slang and dialogue will basically be the same as any other fic I write.
• One thing I'm not willing to ignore about the 20's is the FASHION!!!!! All of it will be true to the times fashion bc oh my god I would go straight for Bakugou or Todoroki in a white button down, slacks and some suspenders. No joke.

"Shoto... you want me to... what?" Izuku asked in disbelief. He had to have heard the other man incorrectly. There's no way he was actually asking him to do something so dangerous.

There was a heavy sigh from the red and white haired mafia leader. "I know it's not ideal-"

Izuku was probably the only person who'd dare to cut Todoroki off. "Not ideal? Shoto, I could die!" He nearly shouted at him, but kept his voice low so no one would hear him, even if they were in Todoroki's soundproof office.

"I have no training or any skill that would classify me for this mission! Why the hell would you decide to send me in? I'm not even a real member! I'm a glorified secretary." Izuku pointed out, running his hands through his curly green hair from all the stress.

"Can I talk now?" Todoroki asked him with a raised brow. Izuku just nodded, not really paying much attention to him.

"We need someone to infiltrate the business cover they have, as a secretary. That's why you're going." Todoroki explained with a casual shrug.

Izuku gaped at him. "Do you understand how strange that is? Send one of the girls. I'd highly doubt they wouldn't think a male secretary is suspicious." He said, letting a little bit of sass enter his voice.

The only reason Izuku was a secretary of sorts for Todoroki, is because he had nothing else to do. He had no training or skills, as previously mentioned, so he couldn't be a normal member, not that Todoroki would let him anyway. He thought it was too dangerous for the other man. But apparently sending him over the front lines and straight into enemy territory was okay.

Todoroki pushed himself out of his desk chair, moving around the wooden structure and taking a seat on the front of it so he was right in front of Izuku. He gently grabbed the smaller male's chin, tugging it up so he would look him in the eyes. "Izu, you'll be fine. You are naturally anxious and unthreatening, no one will even suspect you. You're the perfect candidate. Besides, you won't be there for long, three or four weeks at max. I promise." He said, leaning down slowly. Their lips just barely brushed together when Izuku stood up and pushed the taller man away.

"Nope, you're not gay, remember?" Izuku said to him, backing up slightly.

"Izuku, you're being ridiculous-"

"How is that ridiculous? You said you weren't gay, so stop acting like it. You don't just get to pick and choose when you want to be with me and when you want to push me away." Izuku said back, somehow finding the courage to talk back to the man with a revolver on his desk.

"I don't have time for this, Izuku." Todoroki said, rubbing his temples. "You're going and that's final."

"Shoto, you're no better than your father." Izuku said before promptly turning on his heel and leaving his office.

He knew how much that statement would hurt the other man, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. Todoroki had signed his death warrant! If Izuku slipped up, even in the slightest, he was a dead man. Todoroki didn't seem to think that was a big deal. Typical of a Todoroki.

Izuku threw his coat on as he walked out of Todoroki's house. It was already late, so he'd have to walk back to his apartment in the dark. Todoroki didn't seem to care about that fact either when he told Izuku to stay later so they could discuss his 'mission'.

The green haired man pulled his coat tighter around him to combat the harsh wind as he walked. He kept his head down, not wanting his face to freeze.

He didn't see the man walking towards him until they collided, nearly knocking Izuku off his feet.

"Oh, sorry about that!" Izuku was quick to apologize, knowing that it was mainly his fault for not looking where he was going. He looked up at the taller man he ran into and met a pair of piercing red eyes.

"Watch where you're going next time." The angry blond spat at him before continuing his own journey.

Izuku shivered at the bad feeling he got from the man and quickly scurried off, speed walking the rest of the way back to his apartment.

"I'm back." He called out when he walked in, kicking off his shoes and setting his hat down on the counter.

"Dinner's in the oven if you're hungry!" Uraraka called from down the hallway.

Uraraka and Izuku were roommates and on occasion, dating. They both knew they were... well they were both gay, but it was the 1920's so that wasn't cool. They lived together because it was cheaper and they were friends. Whenever anyone became suspicious, they'd just tell them they were engaged.

Izuku quickly made himself a plate and took a seat at the table, Uraraka walking in a few minutes later. "Why were you so late tonight? Todoroki want something?" She asked.

She knew about their once relationship and how it ended. She also knew about the mafia business seeing as Izuku was terrible at keeping secrets.

"He wants me to go undercover at another mafia's cover business as a secretary." Izuku mumbled as he pushed his mashed potatoes around on his plate.

Uraraka nearly dropped the glass of water she had gotten. "I'm sorry, has he lost his mind?" She asked.

Izuku groaned and let his head hit the table. "I don't know, but I might have told him he's no better than his dad."

There was a gasp as Uraraka took a seat next to him. "You're going to be killed, you know that right?" She asked him, setting a hand on his back.

"If Todoroki doesn't kill me, then the other mafia will. Ura, there's no way I can pull this off! He's hand feeding me to hungry lions!" Izuku exclaimed, pulling at his hair as his female friend looked at him with sympathy.

"Get some sleep okay? We can try and think of a solution in the morning." She said, pushing him up and towards his room. She knew he wasn't in the mood to eat anyway.

"Yeah okay. Goodnight Ura."


It's the 1920's, No One's Just GAY In the 1920's (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now