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Peering out from under my little overhang I watch the other mer swim around excitedly. It's early in the morning and the sun is just peaking over the horizon.

The water is warm, mer are already swimming around excitedly.

Opposite to the entrance of the cove is a large human structure with a wall of glass facing toward us. Behind the glass humans walk around, hurrying back and forth in their respective levels.

From my spot I can see a familiar humans leading a large group of new humans up to the glass. She does a lot of pointing and gesturing out into the waters, drawing the attention of a few curious mer, including me.

Creeping forward along the ocean floor I swim closer, getting a closer look at the humans. They stare at us,  watching mesmerised as we swim ever closer.

The woman turns towards us, smiling brightly as she speaks to her audience. I can't hear her because of the glass separating us, but I assume she's talking about us.


Gesturing to the mer outside I continue my speech about mer mating season and habits, telling them about how they only come here once a year unless they mate.

They listen eagerly, writing down notes for later. They're going to be spending a lot of time around these mer, they're going to need to know a lot about them and grow comfortable around them.

One of the students raises their hand, a tall lanky kid with dreads and a green shirt. "Yes?" I ask, causing everyone to turn towards him.

"What about their reaction to certain vibrations? That's what I'm here to research" he asks, pencil poised over his paper, ready to write.

"Well we haven't researched into it very much, though we do know they can recognize the sounds of our boats. I'm glad to hear you'll be looking into it given how some fish use vibrations to find prey!" I smile, watching as he nods and scribbles down some notes.

Another person raises their hand, this time a girl with long brown hair and a pink shirt. "What do you know about mer pups?" She asks, looking up at me.

"Just like adult mer we don't know much, though we do know that they are born live and spend a long time with their parents" I explain, gesturing out at the mer swimming around.

The students eyes light up and she smiles, sharing a happy glance with the guy in the green shirt.

After the tour and questions I let the students go to their stations, happy to learn that the two students from before are working with me.


Growing bored of watching the humans I swim away, returning to my seat beneath the overhang.  A few curious mer swim up but I ignore them and they don't bother me.

Under the overhang is a small cave just big enough for me to sleep in comfortable, which I crawled into, curling up and closing my eyes.

My eyes aren't closed for long before a poke at my side wakes me up. Grumbling I open my eyes, turning to face whatever bothering me.

I'm met face to face with a mer that has long brown hair and a well kept beard, his eyes are brown with flecks of gold.  His tail is bronze with flecks of gold just like his eyes.

He's toned, and his skin is a light shade of tan that suggests he's spent a bit of time up by the surface. He grins down at me, giving me a wink.

"Room in there for two?" He asks, leaning against the edge of my cave. "Sadly no, but I'd be willing to to come out and  hang with you if you:LL yell me your name" I say, sitting up. "Close enough" he shrugs, taking my hand and pulling me out gently. "I'm Jesse, nice to meet ya"

He wraps his arms around me, hugging me to his chest and pressing his lips to my shoulder. Looking up at me from under his lashes he smiles a big goofy smile and presses a kiss to my skin.

"Has anyone told you you're beautiful?" He asks playfully, pinning me to the wall.

"Maybe once or twice" I flirt, playing along. He slides his hand  down my  tail and towards my slit, blushing I quickly swim a few feet away.

"Aren't you a shy little breeder?" He teases, swimming to follow me. He opens his mouth to say something else -probably something flirtatious- but before he can a massive mer slams into him. The mer is bigger than any I've ever seen, and be bears the markings of a mer from deeper water. his skin is dark like soil, and his short curly hair is pitch black. Red eyes peer from beneath his dark lashes, glaring gaggers at Jesse.

Jesse sputters, surprised. The mer on top of him growls, tail lashing back and forth with his barbed fins flaring. "What the hell do you think youre doing!?" Jesse snaps, trying unsuccessfully to free himself.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He growls accusingly, baring his sharp fangs. "This is MY breeder!" he shoves away from Jesse, grabbing me instead.

"Let go of me!" I demand, writhing around on his grasp. He drags me across the bay to the far end, eyeing the caves lining the rock. He finally settles on a deep cave that winds deep underground.

When he finally reaches the very bottom cavern, farthest from the surface, he dumps me on the floor. The caves walls are smooth and the place is dark, I can barely see anything but I can feel the bigger mer swimming around me.

He presses his face into my neck, wrapping his tail around mine and hugging me close to him. I shiver, wriggling around in his grasp and trying to escape. "Please let me go please let me go please let me go!" I beg, clawing at his arms around my chest.

He hums whale song in my ear, kissing on my cheek and nibbling on my ear with his sharp teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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