The Pesterchum Chat

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I wake up at 10am. Thank gog its a Saturday. I log into pesterchum on my laptop to see Crystal and Adeline online.

--SadisticOtaku(SO) began pestering MonochromeStars (MS) at 10:01--

SO: HEy THere ELiza

MS: Heyy theree Crystall x3

SO: NIce QUirk YOu GOt THere

MS:Thankss ,, yourss iss nicee toooo x3

--HappyBubbles (HB) joined chat at 10:05--

HB: Hey guyz xD

MS: Supp Adelinee x3


HB: Therez no need to zhout Cryztal....

MS:Nooo dudee thatss herr quirkk .. thee firstt twoo letterss off everyy wordd aree supposedd too bee capitalizedd. sincee 'yo' iss onlyy twoo letterss itss inn allll capss x3

HB: Oh zorry there Cryztal xD

SO: ITs OK I'M Not MAd

HB: zo i waz thinking.... maybe we can all 2 the mall later on? xD

SO: SOunds GOod. WHat TIme?

HB: around one o'clock. zo Elisa you coming? xD

MS: yeahh seeee youu guyss soonn x3

HB: kk. byie xD

SO: BYe. SEe YOu LAter

MS: Byee guyss x3

-- SadisticOtaku (SO) and HappyBubbles (HB) ceased pestering at 10:10--

--BicoloredEyes (BE) began pestering MonochromeStars at 10:11--

BE: hheello tthhere

MS: Ughh, hii x3

BE: ddoo yyoou kknnow mmee?

MS: lemmee guessss yourr thatt guyy ii saww lastt Fridayy thee guyy whoo wass beingg pickedd andd flirtedd byy somee blondiee.....sickk too bee honestt

BE: oohh, yyoou mmeean LLoouise?

MS: yeahh....evenn iff ii amm antii-sociall ii knoww herr planss


MS: ii wass checkingg thee classss' notebookss andd ii saww aa paperr thatt fellll outtaa herr notess. ii pickedd itt upp too seeee thee mostt sickeningg plann everr

BE: wwhhat wwaas iitt?

MS: 'missions: 1. Flirt with every guy in school

                  2.  Make Levi Riltov fall in love with me' itss distgustingg ii tellll youu

BE: oohh.....aannyway ddoo yyoou kknnow mmyy rreeal nnaame?

MS: itss Felixx Greenn rightt?

BE: yyeeah....ssiince yyoou kknnow mmyy nnaame wwhhats yyoours?

MS: justt sayy neonn bluee andd I'llll comee withinn aa snapp off yourr fingerss x3


-- BicoloredEyes(BE) ceased pestering MonochromeStars at 10: 30--

I guess I'll get ready now.  It is 10:30 and I'm meeting with those two later on. The corners of my mouth went upwards. For some reason I was looking forward to Monday

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