Chapter 26~His Sarcasm

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The one thing that makes me happy are those bright lights, twinkling tinsel, and fresh tree.

That's right, it's Christmas! The one time of the year where we all are filled with happy spirits and love.

Knowing me, I like things to go to plan. So I'm very determined to have the perfect Christmas. It may sound a little cliché and weird but this is actually important to me.

Ariella decided she needed more "family time" and decided to stay for the Christmas and New Year's break. Oh, joy. I plan on spending half of Christmas with my family and the other half with my friends.

I still haven't spoken to Kayla since our fight almost two weeks ago. You may think I'm being ridiculous but I'm really not. I have been with her through thick and thin. I've always gone her way. But not once could she do what I wanted to do. She couldn't even listen to where I was coming from. She just jumped right onto her boyfriend's side.

Hasn't she ever heard of 'Chicks before Dicks'?

Anyway, my family has already put up the tree and decorations. With the tree in a gold and silver theme, followed with gold and silver features inside and outside of the house.

As you may have guessed, we finished school for the year. Meaning next year would be my last year of high school. Pretty scary yet really exciting. I can't wait to start fresh and finish high school.

I walked out of the house gripping onto my brown satchel and fixing the wrinkle on my shirt. I noticed a familiar figure across the road. The same figure that I'm planning to stand under the mistletoe with.

"Hey, muffin" Ryan says playfully.

"Hey" I smile back, "how do I look?"

"Don't ask me that" his eyebrows furrow

"Why?" I ask slowly, with my head tilting in confusion.

"Because if I fell in love with you then it means I fell in love with all of you. Meaning that I love everything about you. So, don't even bother asking me that question"

I blushed so much it was ridiculous. "And how is it you call yourself a bad ass if you're constantly giving lovely speeches?"

"I was expecting an "Aw thank you, Ryan, you sexy goddess, the one who completes the circle of life" but a sassy remark will do"

I just rolled my eyes at his comment, "Your sarcasm is killing me right now"

Ryan leant down and kissed me softly. "Oh really? Well, why don't I show you the side you've been dying to see?"

I cocked one eyebrow up and bit my lip, "Well...I need to go Christmas shopping..."

"You like going on adventures, right?" Ryan said cheekily.

"Well, kind of...yeah. But I need to go Christmas shopping!"

"Muffin, you still have two more weeks. Plus I think you should have a break from this Christmas frenzy". Ryan reached for my hand and I just looked at it for a moment but then accepted. Ryan just smirked as he pulled me along to his car.

We both got in and buckled our seatbelts.

As Ryan was starting up the car he turned to me and smirked.

"What?" I laughed out.

"Just want to make sure you are ready for a fun day...and night".

I gave him a wandering look and shook my head slightly whilst giggling to myself.

Ryan just chuckled and drove to a place I knew nothing about.

Oh, Ryan, what are you doing to me?



I hope everyone is doing well. A little fact, I'm currently writing this chapter whilst the Sydney Siege is happening. I just needed something to take my mind off this scary event. Thank you guys so much for the support! AND GUESS WHAT?!! WE REACHED 2K!! FREAKING OUT!!

Love you guys so much!

Until next time...



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