Part 1

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Nikki P.O.V 

I got out of bed. Today was just a normal day of camp Campbell. I got my normal clothes and put them on like usual. I head out my tent and realize I didn't wake up with david screaming in my ear, and it was dark. I decide to just sit on a bench. I listen to the nature around me and I hear foot steps at my 12 o' clock. I look there and it was max.
Dang it not max i dont want to be nervous around him. I thought this because i have the hugest crush on him. But I dont want him to know. I dont want to ruin our friendship.

Max P.O.V

I got done with my walk and walked back to my tent to see if I could sleep this time. I saw someone on the bench though. I was nikki.
Dammit, no not her, I dont want to be weird around her. I thought to myself. Why do you like her max? Shes just so cute. I hope she likes me, thats probably not gonna happen since I'm a dick though.

"Hey Nikki, what are you doing up?

"Oh I just woke up early, what about you? Why are you up?"

"Oh I just couldn't sleep so I took a walk to see if it's any better."

"Oh" I looked at the clock at the counselor cabin in my sight. "Its 5, max."

"Oh guess I'm pulling an all nighter," I said with a surprised look. Nikki laughed even though I didn't say anything funny.

"Yeah, I guess I'm staying up too, we've got only a hour."

"Oh that's good," I felt my palms get sweaty. I hopped up to the bench nikki was on. "What adventure do you think we'll go on today?"

"I dont know, hopefully something fun, maybe more eggs!" We both laugh. But It got silent after.

"Yeah... wanna go on another walk?"

"Sure!" She said in her cheerful tone. We both got up but our hands brushed each others. But I started walking so we didn't focus on it too much.

Nikki P.O.V

My hand and maxes hand just touched each others. I started to blush. Good thing he already started walking, so he couldn't see me. I ran to catch up.

"So have any eyes on anyone?" I asked max, awkwardly. I saw him blush a little.


"Who?" I said trying to be calm while my heart was beating me.

"Someone that is special to me, and I hold very close to me." Who could it be? Me? Was he gay? Neil? I had so many questions racing through my head.

"Are you gonna give a name or?"

"No!" He said quickly a blushing hard.

"Okay." Max was acting weird when I asked him that question.

"What about you, do you have any eyes on anyone?"

"Yeah, someone that I love and hope he loves me too."

"Oh that sounds nice, nikki." Max was being really nice to me and i was questioning why.

"Can you give me a hint on who you like?"

"Why do you care so much?"

"I- i- I just do I- I'm curious."

"Okay fine, it's a girl,"

"Well I knew that, gimme another." I didn't know I just said it so I could get another one.

"Okay, I'm pretty close with them." Was it me? He's close with me and Neil, and I'm pretty sure neil is a boy so maybe. I tried not to show any emotions.


"Now you give me a hint to make it fair."

"Okay, he has a soft spot." And I just gave it away I said the most obvious thing, god dammit nikki.

Max P.O.V


"Max? You doing okay?" Nikki said to me waving her hand in front of my eyes.

"Yeah sorry just thinking."

"About what if you dont mind me asking?"

"Oh just trying to figure out who it is."

"Oh," we kept walking and having a good conversation while in this walk. When we got back no one was awake still. I looked at the clock. 5:50 it read.

"We still have 10 minutes." I told max.

"Oh I'm gonna just sit on the bench if you want you can join." Max said as he did just that. I followed him.

Max P.O.V

Nikki followed me surprisingly. I was happy.

"I'm tired," I heard nikki say.

"Oh I'm sorry nikki." I heard No response and something hit my shoulder. It was nikki. She was really tired. I just sat there and took in the moment, and the minutes passing by. My crush is really sleeping on my shoulder. I thought to myself. I focused on the passing minutes.






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