number two

209 2 1

Max P.O.V

"GOOOOD MORNING CAMPBELL CAMPERS, COME TO THE MESS HALL FOR YOUR FOOD!" DAVID YELLED, waking everyone up but most importantly nikki. She jolted up and off my shoulder. I looked and she was in shock and was blushing staring ahead.

Nikki P.O.V

Was I sleeping on maxes shoulder? I was blushing hard. I was really happy but I was still shocked that it just happened. Max just let that happen and didn't wake me up or slowly move? Does he like me? I hope so.

"I guess we should go there," max told me.

"Yeah," I said while getting off the bench. Max followed.

"So how was your nap?" Max said jokingly. I got bright red.

"Its was alright. I wish it was longer."

"Yeah that makes sense, we dont get enough sleep."

"I KNOW RIGHT!" I said as we opened the doors to the mess hall. We were the first ones. We got our food and sat next to each other.

"Okay, is this actually food?" Max told in a slightly loud voice so david could hear.

"Yes, max, at least I think, i dont question quarter master."

"Good idea." Max agreed with david. I started laughing. As this was happening neil walked in. He grabbed his food and sat next to me. I could see max getting a little angry.

Max P.O.V

I dont know why but I got mad when neil sat next to nikki. I felt like neil liked nikki and they were gonna start dating. I didn't want that. I wanted nikki. I wanted nikki to want me.

"Hey guys." Neil said. But nikki nor I responded. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're just tired, I pulled an all nighter. " I responded

"We'll maybe dont do that."

"Gee neil thank you for the advice."

"No problem." More kids were coming in. They all sat and talked for a little while before david interrupted.

"TIME FOR THE ACTIVITY TODAY! TODAY BE IN A GROUP OF TWO AND MEET ME OUTSIDE!" Nikki and I looked at each other as soon as he finished talking.

"Partner?" I asked.

"Partner." She agreed. We started to walk out side. We waited for the other kids.

"OKAY TODAY WE WILL BE CHANGING TENT ORDERS. IM HOPING THAT YOU ARE OKAY WITH THE CAMPER YOU PICKED!" David walked away. I looked at nikki, she had the biggest grin. She hugged me.

"IM SO EXCITED, MAX!" Nikki said, excitedly. I was blushing and gave a tiny smirk.

"I'm excited too."


"Okay." I said walking over to neil.

"Well I guess your moving out," I said to neil.

"Yeah I guess, not i have stupid space kid. Everyone went to their egg buds."

"Yeah that's kinda odd, especially those to magic nerds."

"Yeah," we started laughing.

"Well, you were a good tentmate with the time we had."

"Woah... max, your becoming nicer."

"What? I guess I am, maybe I'm liking life a little bit for once."

"Yeah maybe, well I'll go get my stuff." I looked at neil while he was walking to our... my tent. I felt bad cause we were good friends and now he has to move out. I was deep into my thoughts until I heard running. It was nikki.

"I GOT MY STUFF!" Nikki yelled slamming into me, which slightly knocked me over.

"Yay," I said kind of sarcastically. I saw neil walk out of the tent with his stuff.

"Okay, we can go in now." I told nikki.

"Okay," she started running.

Nikki P.O.V

I'm so excited to share a tent with max. I hope we bond more and have more fun because of this. I opened the tent and noticed the spot neil left and I put my sleeping bag there.

Time skip still nikki p.o.v

It was time to go to bed and it was the first time in the same tent as max, I was so excited. I let max change by stepping out of the tent, and he did the same. It was finally time to sleep. We both lay on our beds.

"Hey max?"


"Would it be possible for me to get another hint?"

"Your still on that!?"

"Yeah, I want to know."

"Fine, ummmm, shes not a girly girl. ITS ME! I WAS SCREAMING IN MY MIND. "Now you give me a hint."

"Okay," I said while I stopped staring into space and came back to earth. "They, uh, like someone."

Max P.O.V

It has to be me, it has to be I have a soft spot for her, and she knows I like someone. Fuck it. 

"Okay  I know who it is," I said sitting up.

"Who do you think?" She said with a kinda scared look trying to keep it in.

"Me." It got silent for a few seconds.

"Umm yeah," she said while getting up and avoiding eye contact.

"Oh, well good news," she perked up. "I like you too." She stared at me for a few seconds.

Nikki P.O.V

Oh my god he does like me. What do I do? What do I do? I freaked out and just did something to express how happy I was. I just jumped twords him and just hugged him as tightly as I could. I hugged him close, and never letted him leave, since that's what david thought me. He hugged me too, and it felt nice. We just fell asleep there. Me laying on max. Waiting for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2020 ⏰

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