Chapter 13

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Ashley POV

I planned this out so good. While Madison and Aria are rotting in my abandon building I found people that look very similar to them so no one would know they were gone.

???: who I'm I being now

Ashley: you are

???: alright and all I have to do is sit there and be quite for 48 hours

Ashley: yes ma'am

???: I play this weird girl Madison

Ashley: shh they are coming back

Roc: you found them

Ashley: yeah they were in some alley way getting raped by some guy and beat up

Diggy: should we take them to the hospital

Ashley: yeah because they look beat up bad

Roc: I'll get the car

Diggy: I'll call the guys and Walter

Princeton POV

Ray and I were sitting in the bushes for an hour waiting for someone to come out but nothing.

Ring Ring

Princeton: Hello

Diggy: Where are y'all?

Princeton: across the street from an abandon building why?

Diggy: Ashley found Aria and Madison we are taking them to the hospital now

Princeton: we are in our way

End call

Ray: what happened

Princeton: Ashley found Aria and Madison they are on they way to the hospital

We arrive at the hospital

Roc: GUYS over here

Princeton: how are they?

Walter: we didn't get anything back from the doctor yet

I sit down in the chair my leg is shaking I look to the left down the hall and I see Ashley giving the doctor money. Why in the world would she be giving the doctor money. The doctor comes towards us

Doctor: Aria and Madison family

Walter: that's us

Doctor: they are in good shape nothing broken and ripped but

Ray: but!!! But what

Doctor: they will not be able to speak to you at all

Star: awww that must be horrible

Jada: shut up anything else

Doctor: no nothing else

Beauty: can we see them now

Doctor: yes room 200

Jada: wait where is your name tag Doctor

Doctor: in my office

Jada: why is it not on your lab coat like normal how would I know you are a real doctor if you don't have a name tag. Maybe someone could have payed you to tell us these are our friends and they are not huh how would I know doctor

Doctor: I don't know

Roc: I sure he is a real doctor Jada

Jada: you don't know that he could be that crazy guy on the news who impersonates doctors and let the people die

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