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(‼️sorry for misspelled words‼️)

Bre 'Asia Kassiah Moore

"Girl guess what happened" Lani said said on FaceTime with me

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"Girl guess what happened" Lani said said on FaceTime with me. "What happened suh" I said fixing imani a bottle.

"The doctors called me and said we've made a mistake you having a girl and boy twin instead of boys" Lani said .

"They need to get they shit together" I said. "Foreal has me thinking sum was wrong whole time they wrong" she said.

"What toosi said about it" I asked. "He said she not gon be able to have a boyfriend until she 75 and his son gon have all da hoes" she said shaking her head.

"Whole up na cuz my niece gon be breaking niggas hearts outchea" I said dancing in the camera.

"Exactly and my son gon be nice lil gentleman" she said. "Good luck on that toosi go probably turn him out" I said.

"I wish he would" she said laughing. "Ahghh" I heard imani making noises.

"Imani how the hell you get in the damn refrigerator" I said turning the camera around showing Lani.

"My stanka but ima da fridge" she said laughing. "Girl get yo bad ass over here"  I said and she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Imani I know you didn't just- Lani come get yo neice she rolling her eyes at me" I said tryna grab her  she tryna stay in there.

"Don't do my niece she coolin" Lani said. "See I'm finna call yo daddy cuz imani Ian finna play with you" I said pulling her out the fridge.

"Where polo at anyway his ass usually be in the background" Lani said. "At the trap his ass stay there" I said rolling my eyes.

"Toosi ass stay there to be having my ass all alone and shit" Lani said pouting. "Girl You know I lol pull up over there any time" I said.

"I know but you got a baby now and I know you be busy pumpkin" she said. "Pumpkinnnn" I said in my souija boy voice.

"Yup pumpkin bug I'll call you later I'm finna go take a bubble bath" she said and we hung up.

I look back and see her ass done got in the damn fridge again. "Lemme take a picture of ha bad ass" I said taking a picture.


(Side note: that fridge lookin empty as hell gahhh damn😭😭😭😭)

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(Side note: that fridge lookin empty as hell gahhh damn😭😭😭😭)

@theykno.lani and 2,000 others liked this post,

@dadon.bri come get yo bad ass daughter 😤 @polo.boy

@polo.boy hell she doin in the fridge 😂😂😂

@theykno.lani  neicy poo🥰

@darkskin.debo that's twin right dea 😭😭

𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠..........

"Ion know what ima do wit you" I said staring at her. "Eeeeeeee" she said yelling as she turnt around and watched Mikey mouse.

I know she my daughter but she bad ass hell. I swear she be cussin me out In Baby language.

I'm finna get me some of those lil puffs those snacks. Them bitches be good.

"One for you and three for mommy" I said giving her one and she mugged the hell outta me.

"I fight children so you betta fix ya face lil girl" I said warning her. "Ahhhghh eeeeee mmmm" she said jumping around then next thing I know she slapped my ass.

"I outta pop them fat ass thighs" I said bucking at her and she started laughing.

Ian gon lie it's taking me everything to not slap the shit outta her. Even tho she my daughter i might swing on her ass.

My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller Id and it polo. "Hello baby boo" I said smiling in the camera.

"What up wit da name but what my daughter doin in da fridge and shit" he said.

"Ask her cuz ion know she did that on her own" I said.

"What else she been doin today cuz i can tell by the way you lookin sum up" he said.

"Yo daughter just slapped the hell outta me and I don't condone violence so you need come get her" I said looking at her and she was looking at me.

"Man my daughter be chillin you be the one that's the problem" he said.

"Mhmm Shoull do but you gon get her cuz I needa go to my side nigga house" I said tryna keep a straight face.

"Stop playin wit me like I won't kill you" he said.

"My side nigga got a gun too" I said laughing. I cannot keep a straight face for nun a is swea.

"Jus shut up cuz you irking my nerves but yea I'm finna slide thru but if she shit again I'm leaving her ass on the side of the rode" he said.

"Do it I want you too" I said and he hung up. Luckily miss bad ass fell asleep.

So I grabbed a blanket got comfortable. And my ass was knocked out cuz she done ran me today.

Mommianna bri out✌🏽........


Thank you prettyluhhbr3 for inspiring dis chapter 😗

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Felt dis onna whole different level 😒smh

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Felt dis onna whole different level 😒smh

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