This shit finna be ending soon 😕 But go check out my other books and shit,
Milani Emoni Davis
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"Ion know bri my heart just will forever be with toosi but i wanna be with cam" I said.
"I'm still mad at toosi bobble head ass" she said with a mug.
"Girl" I said laughing. "But real shit tho ion like how toosi did you best so if I was you I wouldn't give him a chance" she said I nodded.
"Yet my dumbass still have love for him" I said shaking head. "Love makes you dumb shit but loyalty's all real he broke it" she said.
"Fuck it ima be wit cam fuck his ass but I still gotta wait 18 years" I said pointing to my belly. "That's my good sis" she said.
"Owwww" I said feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. "You okay" Bri said coming to my side.
"Yea it's just he kicked me really hard" I said rubbing my stomach. Big head ass baby thanks to toosi.
"I'm finna go fix some water" I said as she helped me stand up. "Ight now babymomma don't go into early birth" she said joking.
"I just might" I said wobbling to the kitchen. I grabbed a red solo cut putting crushed ice.
When I bent down to get a water bottle on the floor I felt water going down my leg and a sharp pain. "Ahhhh" i said holding my stomach.
"Oh my- your water just broke" Bri said. Yea no shit.
"Get the baby bag from the baby room and meet me in the car" I said grabbing my phone so I could call toosi.
As soon as I made it to the car that lil nigga started kicking some more. "Toosi" i said sitting the phone down and leaning my head on the dash board.
"Wassup baby momma" he said tryna flirt. Boy stfu.
"Nigga meet me at the hospital I'm in fucking labor with yo big head ass son" I said as Bri started the car.
"Oh shit ima be right dea" he said running outside and I heard Mariah voice in the background. Ima drag her ass after I drop him she been sayin slick shit.
On Instagram and shit ion very much like that. And toosi not finna have her stick ass around my son.
"Lani can you call cam" I said taking deep breaths. "Yea sis we finna be there- move bitch" she said yelling at a car.
"Huh" he said ima raspy voice. Lawd that shit was so sexc 🙈.
"Wake up nigga Lani is in labor meet us at the hospital" she said pulling in a parking spot and coming to my side.
"My friend in labor" Bri said helping me walk. They put me on a bed and rolled me to a room that had a dim light.
"Hey sweetheart how are ya feeling" the nurse said handing me a gown. "Terrible" I said crying damn I cry ugly as shit.