[3] Jealousy

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Tae and I had class together like we had the past few days and walked down the hallway after our lesson. Out of nowhere there came a girl walking next to Tae and laying her arm around him. I never saw her before but could already tell that I was jealous.
Tae just talked to her in a monotonous tone. "Hey babe, this is Jungkook." Tae was pointing at me. "He is new so be nice to him!" "Hey, Jungkook," the girl said. "I'm Lisa."
I just fake smiled at her knowing that we will never become friends just because of the fact that I want to be Taehyungs boyfriend. And I was more than confused since he said three days earlier that he was single. "I already heard from how you reacted to Jimin. You are such a role model!" Now that girl began talking to me. 《You boyfriend who you do not deserve is standing next to us and you are like flirting with me? What are you girl?》

[a/n: 》this symbol will be used for the thoughts of the characters]

I tried to end the conversation by not admitting what she said." Yeah, but everyone would have reacted like that." "well, I don't think so. You did just great!" I was glad that Tae just interrupted the talk. "I will eat lunch with Jungkook, okay babe?" Tae asked Lisa.
She gave him a small kiss, nodded and went away.

After moving on walking down the hallway, I told him about my confusion. "I thought u were single..." "Ah about that... we had sex, it was good, she asked me to be her boyfriend and I just said yes... I don't think it will last long tho."
We continue walking to the cafeteria and got some food. I was going to sit down on a table with Taes friends, but Tae took my wrist and leaded me to an empty table.
I was confused but it looked like he wanted to be alone with me which I was okay with. Despite it would have been great to talk to them again. I sat down in front of him and started eating. When I noticed that he was starring I looked up.
"What's up? Why are you starring?" He did not answer but went on starring. I began to laugh. "Tae!"
Than he noticed and looked away embarrassed, making me laugh ever harder. I quickly finished laughing so we could eat and than go to the next lesson.

Felix P.O.V.
I watched Jisung glancing at Minho nearly every 5 seconds and Minho is also glancing at him but not that often. "When do you think are they going to check this?" Joengin who saw me watching them asked. "I don't know... I think even Taehyung is  faster with Jungkook!" I looked over to them. Today they were not sitting with us but only by themselves. It looked kinda romantic. 
"Baby..What are you doing?" Changbin came to me and asked with a cute pout. 
"Aww Binnie, I am just checking how stupid some people are because they don't notice that they love each other."
I pull Changbin next to me on the bench and hugged him tight.
"I love you!" "I love you too!" With that answer he deserved a kiss that he got some seconds later.

Hyunjin P.O.V.
As I saw Felix and Changbin kissing I realized again how jealous I am. I am not jealous because I am in love with one of them but because of the strong bond they have. They don't need to talk, they just know how the other one feels and they love each other like nothing else. On top of that they are totally happy and shearing a great time together and with there friends.
I have my best friend Jeongin. We have also a very strong bond but I just wish there was more. I looked over to him and saw him smiling. He is the cutest person I know and can make everyone happy just like Hobi can do it with his smile. I know Joengin since primary school and we were friends from when we first met and nothing has change. We went throw a lots of things together and he was there when my dad didn't accept my sexuality.
I just wish I could officially call him mine...<3 I can't even call him mine unofficially, what do I actually imagine?
My thoughts were interrupted by Chan who waved his hand in front of my face. I looked at him. "What do you want?" "Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt your thoughts but we are going to hang out on Saturday with all of the friends from Jeongin to Jin and I wanted to know if you are coming to?" He explains himself. "Hey, don't worry! I was just thinking about some shit and yeah, I am coming." "Ok, we are meeting at Felix's place." "Yeah" With that he goes to the next person and left me alone with my shitty thoughts, making me feel lonely.

Jungkooks P.O.V.
I think it was at the end of the break when Felix came to our table. "I just wanted to inform you about a hangout at my place on Saturday." He turned to me. "I think there will be almost everyone you meet on your first day and you can ask one of the boys to drive you to my house. I hope to see ya." "I think I will be there." "That is great!" "Felix -my australian little bro- we have to go!" Chan was screaming from the other site of the canteen. "Okay Channie-hyung I am coming!" Felix screamed back. He turned to us again. "Bye, we will see each other soon!" "Bye bye" And with that he went away.
"Come on we have to go in the class." Taehyung and I got up from our seats and headed to the next lesson. "Will you take me with you to Felix place?" "Yeah, of cause!"

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