Chapter 8: Some lunch on the Fly Please?

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After the sience lesson with Professor Gaster they had Charms, again changing their partner for this lesson: Jack was with Tarzan, Rapunzel (Finally) with Merida and Hiccup with Angelina. After charms they had Potions and had the following partners: Hiccup with Arielle, Rapunzel with Jack and Merida with Frisk. Befor lunch they had History of Magic with these Partners: Hiccup with jack, Rapunzel with Chara and Merida with Asriel. They ate lunch at their hous tables. Hiccup was eating alone minding his own buissnes until Frisk came to him. "Hello Hiccup! How did you find these first lessons?" Hiccup choked in suprise but then awnsered. " Well, i am still trying to compress everything. Mostly from our Second lesson with Professor Gaster, he gives me some chills. What did you think?" hiccup still can't belive that he actualy has someone to talk to other than Gobber ahn his dad. " I Thought that everything is Exiting in here!" She Boomed. " Did you know that Professor Gaster has some Reletives?" Hiccupshook his head. He didn't even know all of this even Existed until a few weeks ago. " They are named Sans and Papyrus and they live there where i live, Infact they are my Friends to!" Hiccup giggeled when he heard their names.

Rapunzel is Having a nice talk on the Ravenclaw table with Angelina, When another girl came up. "Hello, are you the girl with long hair?" She asked politlee. "Yes!" Rapunzel awnsered happily. "My name is Rapunzel, Nice too meet you!" The Girl sat down next to her. "I Am Luna Lovegood, and i am Very pleased to meet you." They where also talking about their lessons, with Luna talking about other lessons since the Classes had to be split in to Groups A, B and C. Lune then all of a sudden asked " Hao did your hair acctualy get that long?" Rapunzel was a bit sterteled by that Question but then awnsered. "I Just Never cut my hair since the day i was born." All of the Surounding girls looked at Rapunzel, making her feel uncomfortable.

Merida was Talking to Harry and ron About Professor Gaster, how he makes them feel uncomfortable even more than Professor snape. "Hello!" A Really REALLY Skinny boy came up to them, he has orangy brown hair and blue eyes. "I wasnted to ask What the Next Lesson is." merida looked at Harry and ron and then asked " In Wich group are you and what is your name? Mine is Merida." The boy grabbed nervously his wrist and said " My name is Herkules, and i am in Group-C." Merida looked at Herkules. "Sorry we are in Group-A, but you could ask someone else." Herkules looked at the ground. " Oh okay, Sorry i Bothered you. Bye!" Herkules left and asked the next. " What lesson do we have next Acctualy?" Ron said. " I Think it is Flying." Harry said unsure.

Jack was Simply eating literaly EVERYTHING he could eat until a strange Student,Probably a Seventh year, came up to him. "ArE YOu ENjoYinG yoUR luNch??" He seemed to be Drunk and kinda Scared jack. It wasn't to long until Professor Snape came. " Mister Sparrow get away from Mister Frost, You Know that you aren't Allowed to go to the First Years in Your state." This sparrow looked at Jack then at snape and got to a place with other Seventh years. Draco whent up to jack and talked about this Mr. Sparrow until it was time to go to the Flying lesson.

All the students went outside to a bunch of Broomsticks and standet infront of them until a Teacher, with what looked like wings, Came and Greated them. "Good day Students!" She said walking between the Broomsticks to them. " My Name is Madame Tooth, Your Teacher in our Flying lessons. Now Please Stand Beside a Bromstick, come on now." Everyone stood beside a Broomstick. " Now strech out your right hand over thr broomstick and say UP." Everyone does just that. Harry and Draco get it on their first try while Ron got hit in the face with it. Jack Managet to get it in his Second Attempt, Rapunzel Just got in her Fourth attempt, Merida was in the Good Three and Hiccup did it in his Seventh attempt.

"Now get on your Broomstick." Madam tooth said and all the students immidiatly got on. "When i Whistle you jump of the Ground, hover for a Moment and come back down Understood. redy 3 2 1 (Loud Whistele)" The Broom of a Student called Neville Longbottom began to fly and got out of Controlle. "Mr. Longbottom!" Madame Tooth shoutet but neville flew away. Madame Tooth Put of her Robe revieling something that looked like fethers all around her body and she flew of.

Nevilles Broomstick was too fast for Tooth and always changed direction, until Nevilles Robe got cought by a Statue. His robe Ripped and he was about to fall but Tooth caught him by his robe. But Neville slipped out of it and fell to the ground. Everyone ran to Neville, who was lying on the ground moaning in pain. I Couldhelp him, but then my powers are revieled to everyone and they'll cut my hair Thought rapunzel. Madame Tooth flew down and inspected Neville "Oh no, a Broken wrist. Let's go to Madame Dreemurr. Everyone else will stay on the ground or you will be faster out of Hogwarts befor you can say Perfectly white tooth." Madame Tooth and Neville disappeared into the School while the others just stood there.

"Look what i found!" Draco held a Remembrall wich belonged to neville. " If he had that he would have Remembered to fall onto his Fat butt" All slytherins laughed at that but the rest thought it was mean. "Give it Back Malfoy!!" Harry said Angrily. "I think i should keep it." No Draco! That is wrong and you know it." Said Jack directly at Dracos faces. Everyone looked wonderingly at him, Mostly Draco but his Wonder turnad into Anger. "On Wich side are you Jack?" He said staring directly into Jacks eyes. "On the side that chooses to do the right thing Draco!" Draco turned away and looked at the Remembrall and back at Jack. "I thought  you liked a Good Prank?" Draco asked confused. " Yes i do!" Jack sad Angry "But i know when it is okay and when not. And THIS is Definetly a not. Draco, This boy got injured and you want to pull a prank? You really are what people think Slytherin is." Jack hoped he pulled through him and made him stop, but he didn't. Draco got up on his Broomstick and strated flying. "Then catch me while hide it on the ceeling." He Boomed while flying up. Harry immediatly got onto his broomstick and even with Hermoine warning him about being Expelled he flew up to Draco. He Throws the Remembrall away and Harry was Chasseing it and Catching it. Harry flew back down where all the other, Non Slytherin, Students are Cheering at him. "Harry Potter!" McGonagel called Harry and they where gone.

"Hey Jack." Hiccup said Nervously approaching Jack. "OH Hey! You are Hiccup right?" Hiccup nodded. "What do you want?" jack asked with a smug smile on his face. "Well i wanted to ask why you where against Draco. You are a Slytherin too." Jack Sighed and let his head hanging. "You think that i would be like him? This Boy alredy had suffered and he wanted to prank him by hiding a gift of his Grandma somewhere on the roof. I may like Pranks but mine are Harmless and not on an inappropiet time." Jack Looked to the ground Making anither deep sigh. Hiccup then streched his hand out to Jack. "Do you want to be Friends?" Hiccup  asked Polite. Jack looked at him a little shoked but then smiled. Cant really make some at my own house right?" He Laughed a bit then finally took Hiccups hand. "I Accept your offer of Friendship sir Hiccup Horronus Hadook the XIII" They shook hands and both laughed. "Just call me Hiccup, and Let me know when you need someone to study with."

Well i guess two of four are Friends now. Would this be Believable when someone said " I Made my Friend when he was against someone from is own House!" Yoursto Decide!!

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