Chapter 14

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A few weeks has passed, me and Aj are almost finish with our studies and our life was.. great, really. We eventually became celebrities at our school, the kids younger than us started to cheer us only because we were on Television. Anyway, me and Aj are supposed get ready for school today but.. I was feeling kinda naughty for some reason. I was awaken by my annoying alarm clock, I stood up and rushed to the kitchen as soon I smelled something delicious again. When I got there, Applejack was cooking breakfast as usual. I greeted her and gave a passionate kiss before I sat down at the dining area. She presented me a plate full of.. Delicious foods made from heaven. Of course I gladly consumed it all while Applejack was preparing the plate for herself. I stood up after I ate my breakfast and approached Applejack with a sly smile. She smiled back as she set her plate aside and puts both her hands on my shoulders.

Rd: "Im feeling.. Different today."

Aj: "What do you mean?"

Rd: "I dunno.. Maybe I dont wanna go to school today."

Aj: "What? Why? Are ya sick or somethin' sugarcube?" She asked confused as she touches my face several times to check if I had a fever or what ever. I moved my head 'no' and gave Applejack another kiss at the lips. She kissed back and pulled away seconds later, she gave me confused look as I bit my lips.

Rd: "I wanna spend time with you Apples.. Lets just call it a sick day for today please?" I asked with my signature 'puppy eyes' move. She giggled and gently push me away.

Aj: "I aint fallin' for it Dash, and heck no I dont wanna miss a school day." She teasingly replied with a grin. I just sighed and sat down at the counter.

(I got this joke from APPLE_-_DASH)
Rd: "Fine, let me just tell you this Apples. Close your eyes." I asked as if I was planning something evil.. I mean, fun.

Aj: "Why? Is this ano-" I cutted her off with a kiss. I know this plan will work, I just know it.

Rd: "Just do it Apples."

Aj: "Ehh fine. " Aj agreed as she closed her eyes.

Rd: "What do you see?"

Aj: "Absolutely nothing."

Rd: "Heh, thats my life without you, Applejack." I said with a smile. She giggled soflty looked the other way.

Rd:  "Wait.. Are you crying?!" I asked confused with a nervous laugh.

Aj: "Im not crying! Your crying." She replied while I heard her sob one or too many times.

Rd: "Aww Aj.." I replied as I pulled her into a hug, I gently brushed down her hair and enjoyed the moment.

Aj: "Rainbow.."

Rd: "What?"

Aj: "I wanna stay home with you." She finally said it. Ha! I guess my charms are irresistible after all. I just laughed victorious and patted Aj at the back.

Rd: "I win." I whispered with a cocky voice.

Aj: "Heh? Danm you Rainbow, I've fallen for your trick." Applejack growled as her face redden.

Rd: "You mean "You've fallen for me?" I foolishly replied with a sly grin.

Aj: "Fine, you wanna go? Then lets go." She whispered as she pulls me from the counter and placed me on her hips.

I blushed as heck as I wrapped my arms around Aj and pressed my lips against her's in a passionate way. Applejack kissed back and carried me to her room where she pinned me to the wall after we locked the door. Applejack and I were kissing passionately for minutes until I had to step this part a little more intense. I removed my shirt and gave Aj a flirtatious look. Her eyes widen and quickly nodded 'yes' so she removes her shirt too and threw it on the ground. I gladly smiled at her and roamed her body with my other hand. She felt pleasure and wants to take this to another level, she slowly removes her pants but we were both interrupted when we heard knocking from the door. We just laughed and continued our business. After a few minutes, the knocking wont stop! We finally decided to answer it because it was pissing us off. I wore my shirt same as Applejack and approached the door. I slowly opened the door.. And I couldn't believe what I saw behind those doors..

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