lil rant???

35 7 15

it's about social distancing and me being pissed at people who don't, my opinion so sorry if i offend anyone!!

i guess i'm just tired of seeing people out with their friends in snapchat stories? i'm tired of people thinking that they're special, or that this doesn't affect everybody the same.

legit like 2 days ago a girl in my grade who was literally advocating for people to stay home posted an instagram story having a sleepover with like 6 other people! i! don't! get! it! specifically for her, why is social distancing important for other people and not for you? why do you get pissy at other people who won't do it and then go and paint your friend's nails at a sleepover?

what's even better, is one of those friends actually had it a couple of weeks ago. they could all have it now if she's still contagious.

i haven't seen any of my friends in two months now. i haven't seen my boyfriend, the only person i've seen outside of my frankly kind of abusive family is my grandfather because we deliver him groceries and give him masks and stuff. for half of the lockdown i've been depressed as fuck and can't see anyone about it, i can't talk to my friends or therapist in person or anything. even my meds are in low stock so i probably can't refill them for at least a week or so, which is a point when they'll already be out of my system and i need to rebuild that in my body all over again.

guys, we're doing this for the old people! listen to the government, please! if you can go outside by now (which ik certain places are opening up) then feel free, but people in new york, places where there is a ban, and especially where i am with a huge amount of cases in my city, people shouldn't be doing this! kiera you hoe, paint your own nails

these rules are in place because we need to protect the people with weak immune systems and such. i saw a video, where there were 4 people in one household who all interacted. 3 people worked and had maybe 10 or 15 other co-workers each. those co-workers also interact with people in their households. the friends you invite over are also interacting with other people who interact with other people who interact eith other people, if one person gets it there's a chance that a hundred people could if we don't social distance, man.

idk, you do you
honestly if nobody can stop you from seeing your friends and you think you're not sick (although teenagers have prolly the highest rate of infection without any severe symptoms as far as i've read) then go ahead.

i just... it's really frustrating to me. everyone is making sacrifices right now and i guess i don't understand the 'i'm special' mindset when it comes to a global pandemic, y'know?

once again i didn't mean to offend anyone or anything!! this is just a rant, its not about anyone here, just irl people posting stories and shit and gloating. i've just been seeing a ton of people going out lately, and those fucking protests oh my god they make me so mad to the point where i split my lip open from biting it so hard looking at photos of them ahhhh

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