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He is a rapper who I find hella hot so here is a sex chapter for him. Btw kells is him.


I smile as he squats in front of our daughter.

"Daddy don't go" she whines pulling at his shirt.

"We will be back tonight I promise" he whispers

"I wanna go"

"No not this time"

Her hands slide to the holes In his pants and pokes at them.

"Mommy are you leaving too"

"Yes but you'll be with your uncle" I smile

Her face lights up to know shell see his brother.

"When" she asks

"Right now"

I walk up to the door and knock. A few seconds later she runs into her uncles arms and starts giggling.

"We will see you guys later" he smiles.

"Don't do anything to crazy" I smile kissing her check.

After a few minutes of saying goodbye we head to the car and I slip in while he starts the car. I turn to look at him

"So kells what am I doing in this music video"

"Oh um if you don't mind you'll have two parts"

He looks at me for a quick second before going back to drive

"Okay and these parts are"

"One you'll have to be naked for one and the other you'll have fruit on your head"

"Naked as I have to show my whole body"

"Hell no y/n just the back of you and it will be fast"

"Okay so they won't see the front of me"

"Nope besides your face"

"Okay and the one with the fruit why"

"I don't know" he smiles

The car comes to a stop in front of a house. I slowly get out the car and wait for him. He grabs my hand and leads me into the house.

"Where is y/n we need her in the shower somebody please get her in here" a lady yells

"We just got here" kells yell

I speed to the room where the voice came from and the girl smiles sitting me down in a chair.

"Okay for this look all we need is a little make up"


"I'll see you in the shower"

He bends down and lays a kiss on my lips. I nod and smile. The lady filled in my eyebrows and and put on some masqura. She hands me a silky robe before stepping out the room. I could hear the music blasting through the house and the bass bumping into the floor. I throw my clothes onto a chair and pull the robe on before walking out. The girl pulls me to the shower and turns it on.

"Okay so there doing the part before this so just stand next to the shower till I tell you to get in"


I look around the corner to see kells shirtless taking pictures while mouthing the words. Shit he looks hot. The lady snaps her hands in front of my face so I drop my robe and step into the shower. I step under the water covering my breast as good as I could. People with cameras and other things step into the room all focused on Kells no one looking at me. I watch closely outside of the glass as Kells comes into the door. He stops And looks at me mouthing the words that match the song. I smile blowing him a kiss and watch as he starts to leave again. But the music comes to a stop and he grabs the robe and stands so no one can see me. I slip my hands into the robe.

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