Daizy & JC

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"Just something  sweet"


I slowly open my eyes as I hear the bedroom door creak open. The small feet making loud thuds through the room. A giggle comes from Ava.

"Why are they still sleeping its Christmas we need to wake them" Ava whispers

Jc shifts his leg that is tangled between mines and sighs. 

"How" Jaylyn and Joe Felix  say

"ohhh" Ava squeals 

"Shh" Jaylyn and Joe Felix say

I can imagine Ava waving her hands and rolling her eyes

"How about we do it how they do it in the movies. Jump on the bed" Ava says happily

I hear some smacks and then the bed dipping down in different places.

"don't step on them" Ava warns 

I close my eyes when i see a foot. I have to at least make it seem like Im asleep. '1,2,3' they all count. Like i already knew they all start to jumping being careful to not step on us. 'WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS' they all scream over and over. I slowly open my eyes and turn a little to see them. Once they see that i woke up they all flop down by me. Jc on the other hand just sticks his head  feather into my neck.

"Merry Christmas Daizy" they all say with big smiles

"Merry Christmas" i smile

"we need to open up those gifts" Joe Felix says 

"What and no kisses" i say surprised and frown

"No No I want my kisses" he says 

he brings his face closer to mines. I smile grabbing his face. He giggles grabbing my wrist. I lay kisses all over his face and the two others.

"okay now go sit by the tree with your mom and dad we will be down in a minute"

I say glancing at jc who is still sleeping. They all nod and leave in a flash leaving the door cracked. I have no idea how jc slept through this all because they weren't quiet. I look at the clock and yup its early like every Christmas we speed here. I didn't notice till now but the bedroom doors are on. The sun still hiding only peaking out a little. I drag my finger tips up and down Jc's back. I watch closely as his muscles react to my touch. He groans tightening his grip on me. 

"Justin" I whisper

nothing just the soft snores again. I move myself so i could see his face

"Jc baby wake up" i whisper

nothing. i bring my face close to his to where our lips brush up against each other

"please" i whisper

"fine" he mumbles

his hands travel to my waist and he pulls me on top of him. I smile down at him. He slowly opens his eyes and blinks. I place a kiss on the corner of his mouth. He shakes his head bringing his lips to mines and kissing me slowly. My hands lay flat on his chest. My heart is racing thumping and the butterfly's  returned to my tummy. My  body spreading with heat as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. My lips  move to capture his bottom lip. I pull back making his lip smack back. i lay a quick kiss on hips lips before sitting up again.

"well come on lets get you in a shirt and pants' i smile

He nods and i slipping off the bed and throw him his sweats and a white v neck. I grab his hand and walk down the steps. As we reach the bottom the house erupts with laughter. A smile tugs onto jc's lips. Once we reach the living room his mom hands us both a cup filled with hot coco and then kisses our cheeks.

"now that they are up lets get these gifts open" Jaylyn says


part one so wait till like Friday for part two.... love you lots 

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