Chapter 19

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Scene 1:

[Harry and Niall's Apartment of Campus, London, 09:46 am, What The Hell Happened?]

NIALL: (jumps from the couch in surprise when Harry bursts through the apartment, full-on crying, concerned) "Harry, what the hell happened?"

HARRY: (sobbing) "Just leave me alone." (slams his bedroom door behind him, throwing himself down on the bed, crying in the covers)

NIALL: (follows Harry, opens his door slowly, sitting down beside him, caressing Harry's back with his hand) "Harry, please talk to me."

HARRY: (still not looking up from the covers, sniffles) "I don't want to talk about it..."

NIALL: (soft) "Alright, you don't have to talk about it right now. But I'm not leaving you alone when you're like this so make some room for me." (laying down on the bed next to Harry, stretching his arms out as an invitation to Harry)

HARRY: (laying his head on Niall's chest, Niall puts his arms around him, hugs Harry tightly) "Thank you." (they lay like that until Harry's sobbing dies down, Harry finally speaks up, still sniffing lightly, small voice) "He threw me out, Niall. His mother walked in on us and he told me that I needed to leave and that he didn't want me there anymore."

NIALL: (confused) "Louis? I don't believe that. There's no way he just threw you out without having a good explanation."

HARRY: (angry) "If there is one he certainly didn't give it to me!" (starting to cry again) "It's not supposed to be like this. It's not supposed to hurt this much."

NIALL: (soft) "Harry, I'm sure he has an explanation! I saw how he acted around you last night. He was looking at you like you were the most important thing in the entire world."

HARRY: (sniffles) "Well, if he didn't even want to introduce me to his mother I can't be that important to him."

NIALL: (sighs) "Harry, please don't let this one episode ruin everything you and Louis have build up these past weeks. You've come so far and I know he loves you. Just give him a chance to explain himself."

HARRY: (still crying but also a little hopeful) "Do you really think he loves me?"

NIALL: (hugging him tighter) "I don't think. I know."

HARRY: (mumbles) "You can't be certain..."

NIALL: (caressing Harry's hair) "You're right. But nothing in this world is certain. It doesn't mean you can just give up and lose faith."

HARRY: (frowns) "Lose faith in what?"

NIALL: "In Louis of course." (soft) "Do you trust him?"

HARRY: (matter of factly) "Of course I do. I love him."

NIALL: (smiling) "Then you need to have faith in him too. You need to trust that he has an explanation."

HARRY: (groans) "It's just so hard."

NIALL: (chuckles) "Nobody ever said love was supposed to be easy."

Scene 2:

[Louis - Niall Texting Thread]

01/25/20 12.06pm

[LOUIS] Hey mate, I really need your help tonight!

[LOUIS] You probably already know that I've fucked things up with Harry, but I need your help to fix it again...

[LOUIS] Maybe I'm not your favorite person in the world right now, but please help me!

[NIALL] I'll help you. Just tell me what do you want me to do?

[LOUIS] Really? You wanna help me?

[LOUIS] I thought I needed to use more time to convince you.

[NIALL] I saw how you acted around Harry last night, so I can't believe you just threw him out like that without having a good explanation...

[NIALL] And he deserves an explanation!

[LOUIS] Yeah, he really does

[LOUIS] I just need you to keep him distracted for a couple of hours tonight, so I can go to your apartment and prepare something

[NIALL] I'm not sure I can do that...

[NIALL] He hasn't even left his room since he came home this morning

[NIALL] I doubt he wants to leave the apartment 

[LOUIS] Please just try

[NIALL] Alright, I'll see what I can do

[NIALL] But promise me you won't hurt him again!

[NIALL] I choose to trust you

[NIALL] Please don't make me regret my decision 

[LOUIS] I promise!

[LOUIS] I wouldn't forgive myself if I hurt him again 

[NIALL] Good

[LOUIS] Can you bring him back around 07.30am? 

[LOUIS] And if it's not too much to ask maybe we could have the place to ourselves?

[NIALL] It's fine, I'll figure something out 

[LOUIS] Thank you, Nialler!

[LOUIS] I owe you big time;-)

[NIALL] Yeah, you definitely do!

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