Chapter 12

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Sparrowcall narrowed her eyes at Dewcloud, coiling her tail protectively around the shivering apprentice. Willowpaw was extremely dubious about trusting her other aunt since the incident where her sister had been killed. She wasn't sure exactly who had hurt her, which concerned all of her family members that cared about her. The large tabby also suspected she was picking up on her own hostility.

She licked the top of Willowpaw's head in comfort, "I'm not letting her near you any time soon."

Willowpaw flicked an ear, still eyeing Dewcloud nervously. Her voice was soft as she replied, "I know."

Goldensnap had one eye on Dewcloud and the other on Willowpaw as he commented, "she will be bitten by both Sparrowcall and me if she attempts to come closer." Dewcloud gave a snort from where she was sitting out of reach, eating a mouse.

Cricketchirp growled softly as she stalked over to Sparrowcall and sat down beside her. Sparrowcall blinked at her, "what's up?"

She flattened her ears, "Rippleshade approached me again while I was out on patrol."

"Oh, did he now?" Sparrowcall growled softly. She flexed her claws, rich green gaze darkening, "need me to set him straight?"

"Don't get too excited right now," her sister shook her head, "it's only been verbally berating threats. For now..." she muttered darkly. Willowpaw shifted closer to Sparrowcall at the thought, shivering.

"I wonder if I could convince Vixennose to confine me to the camp for a bit might deter any more attempts on my life," the blue and tabby apprentice ran a claw through the dirt, muttering lowly.

Cricketchirp pressed her nose to her daughter's head, "over my dead body will there be more attempts to harm you." She drew back, gazing lovingly at Willowpaw, "I will do everything in my power to protect you." Dewcloud, who was listening, made a disgusted face at the words. Sparrowcall shot a glare at her, and she looked away.

Juniperbush padded up behind Dewcloud, "what was that expression for?" Her yellow gaze was suspiciously innocent.

Dewcloud rolled her eyes, "your aunt is being her usual overprotective self."

The brown tabby snorted, responding coldly, "I'm overprotective for a reason, and you know it."

"Juniperbush! How did the hunting go?" Cricketchirp turned to look at her other daughter.

The blue and white she-cat gave a small purr, and padded up to greet her mother, "there were quite a few birds flying around. I caught a few of them."

"She almost lost one of them," Mosspaw smirked, trotting up with a mouse in his jaws, "hey, Willowpaw, how are you going this fine morning?" He ducked away as the she-cat swiped a paw at him, glaring.

Willowpaw's ears perked up, "my wounds are healing quite well. I think they're almost healed enough for me to train again. Thanks for helping out when Vixennose was gone that one day. I certainly feel better physically, at any rate."

The mottled brown apprentice purred, "that's good, and you're welcome. Want a mouse?"

"Sure," she blinked gratefully at him. He set it at her paws with flourish, making her laugh a bit.

Sparrowcall chuckled, "who is your brother tormenting while I keep constant guard on Willowpaw?"

He sat down, amused, "Badgerpaw is off pestering the elders right now. I may or may not have given him some bad smelling plants to stick in Quailblaze's nest..."

Goldensnap shook his head, grinning, "you sneaky fiend."

Mosspaw bared his teeth in amusement, "I haven't heard anything from that direction yet, so that's a good sign."

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