Chapter 26 (Edited)

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Screaming. Crying with my body covered in sweat. The result of the nightmare and there came those warm arms holding me as sweet nothings were whispered in my ear.

The soothing circles on my back and the deep voice pulled me out of my nightmare in to the reality. I was awake now but I didn't open my eyes. I felt the babies kicking making it difficult for me to go back to sleep just like every other night.

My body now in the relaxed state with my breathing even giving the impression of a deep sleep.

I didn't have to wait for long. When my shirt was pulled up bearing my very pregnant belly. A warm hand was placed on the cold skin of my belly. The fingers started creating soothing circles alternating with palm rubbing the bump. The babies relaxed now kicking no more.

"Salam sweetlings." My heart raced as I felt the warms breath fell on my bare belly.

His head was lying side ways to my bulging tummy.

"Dad is here again. You know today is your big brother's birthday. He must be of a year now."

As those words reached my ears. My head conjured an image one year old boy with black hair and grey eyes.

"Your mom misses him. She didn't say it to me but she does." He whispered.

I didn't know that he noticed it but I did every single day when my eyes would fell on my growing belly. It will make me remember the time, I had Diyaudeen in my womb and the day when I gave birth to him and got separated from him. In this way, a deep part of me was scared to give birth to twins. A fear that I will be only be able to hold them for hours before they would also be taken away.

"I expected that after all the mess will be sorted. You mother will ask me to look for him but she is holding on to her fear."

I wanted to. I wanted to do that so much that it ached my heart to not too but how can I. He had a family. I may have given birth to him but I had no claim on him. Even according to law and world. My son died. I had no parental or lawful claim on him.

"She misses your uncle too. Sometimes it feels like. I am only one she won't miss if I go away." The dejected and sad tone reached my ear. It melted my stone cold heart a bit.

"She is still upset with me and I hope that it won't remain same after both of your arrival. She would find a small space for me in her heart. In this way, you dad here is waiting for both of your arrival patiently and enthusiastically."

"And one more thing. You two are very hard on my wife. She is very delicate. You two take a lot of her energy. Be good sweetlings and don't disturb her much. Okay."

He placed a small kiss on my bump before covering me with my shirt. He pulled the blanket on me making sure that I was covered.

The sheets rustled as he got up from bed. The next moment. I heard the door close knowing that he walked out like every other day.

It didn't take a minute after his departure for the tears to roll. My sobs got muffled in my pillow. Every day when he did this. The walls around my heart would shook. It felt like by punishing him. I was being punished too. I laid my hand on my bump where his was just a moment ago.

"Your mother loves you two a lot."


To some people a silent and dark home may feel erie and frightening but I felt none of it. The silence and the darkness made me look deep into my own soul. It helped to think and just take everything in.

It was the first time since that I set foot in this place that I was actually touring the inside of this estate that I have been living in. I have only checked kitchen, living room ,my own bedroom and the guest room and dinning room. Other then that I wasn't dead catch in any room of this large state. I always caught the sight of the piano in the hall before venturing into my bedroom but I never touched it. I even passed by it to go to the large balcony but I paid no mind to it.

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