Chapter 21(Edited)

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It had been a long night. I had gone to sleep straightaway as I reached my room. I didn't expect myself to wake up with a nightmare. My throat felt hoarse still. I couldn't sleep again so now I was sitting on the chair before the window in the dark with a bottle of red wine and filled wine glass on the table that I ordered.

My eyes stuck on the view as the first ray of sun reached the city illuminating it in its glow. I took the wine glass and started circling the wine in glass before taking a sip.

I understood why I forgot about the nightmares. I never woke up by them as Zake made me fall asleep again breaking me from the nightmare but not the sleep and my theory was that after that my mind chose to make me forget about it so that when I woke up again. I couldn't remember it as I didn't wake up due to nightmare.

I sighed autumn was almost gone now. The winter were on their way. The harsh cold winters and my days and night will be nothing but longer with each passing day.

Our anniversary, his birthday. It all passed without me noticing it but it wasn't like I could celebrate any of it. I stopped noting dates and days. They stopped mattering me. Now sitting here like not being able to sleep. It hit me that the year was almost ending. It was going to snow soon. It was already december then there will be January then there will be 16th January. I shuddered as flashback hit me.

Sleep was still the last thing on my mind but it didn't mean that I couldn't close my eyes and relax so that's what I did.


Its been some days since my visit. I have been patiently waiting for results as I kept myself in the company. The boards meeting discussing profit and loss and going through new idea and projects to attract customers. Meeting different business people and making deals. Joing them in their parties and gatherings to widen my circle. It has been truly busy and hectic but rewarding at end. The company sales are good. Everything is working out fine other other then that I still don't have any location. It was irking me.

I was checking out the proposal on my laptop that was emailed to me when a knock sounded.

"Come in." I looked up and found Aiden.

I closed that laptop with a thud. "You must be here for something I want to hear Aiden."

I was on the verge of snapping. My impatience was running low with these kind of no news visits.

"Well you are in luck today." He placed some documents on table.

I didn't spare him a second glance and hurried to open it. There were sixteen texts and each ones location was in there.

My eyes scanned each text but they were all some streets and roads or some cafes in London. Every location was different and then my eyes caught the last one. The last text was sent was 7:43 pm just the day before I went to to the police station to report Hudayfah. My eyes zeroed on it and I couldn't believe it. That person made a mistake that day. A mistake on his part.

"Do you recognise it?" He asked.

"Yes." I stood up and took the documents and my purse.

I didn't gave him a chance to protest and got out. My Secretary who was saw me walking to the private elevator rushed to my side. "Mam. You have meeting."

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