8 - That Most Important Thing

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I had almost been too nervous to respond to Eli's DM last night, but my number one thing I was trying to do was make new friends, so after staring at it for a while, I did respond.

He had asked me to sit with them at lunch, and I said sure, which didn't get a response.

So today, I was standing in the lunch line, nervous and wondering if I could gather the courage to walk to where the boys were sitting.

Luckily I didn't have to ponder too long because Taylor had found me and guided me to the table where they all greeted me warmly.

I couldn't help but grin anytime Eli said anything.

I think he was pretty clear about how I felt about him. I was never the one to be subtle.

The classes this week were all going well because I was a bit more comfortable with my classmates. I was surprised that almost all of the teachers were pleasant too, except for my English teacher, who seemed to care more about the way her hair looked than the books we were reading, but seven out of eight isn't bad!

My Maths teacher was very understanding about me missing the classes that I did. She said that moving was a significant change, and she was impressed that I had even taken the time to talk to her about it.

The other significant change in class this week is that I was now sitting in between Eli and Kyle. I was still a bit confused at how I had managed to get myself in this predicament, but one class I arrived and Kyle had been sitting in my seat, and the two boys were grinning at me.

"Just trying to make you feel welcomed," Kyle had explained.

My Bio teacher had also commented when he noticed that Kyle and I had switched seats. "This is good! Maybe I won't have to worry about those two bothering each other now!" Little did she know that I was the one who was probably going to be even more distracted now.

Eli knew it too. He would lightly touch my arm or leg in class, and my heart would flutter, and my stomach would get butterflies. I would get flustered every time, and Eli and Kyle would laugh until Kyle would tell Eli to stop being such a jerk, which would make my face burn an even brighter red.

I was used to the boy I liked ignoring me. I wasn't sure if being ignored or being teased was worse.


On Thursday, we were all sitting at lunch when Taylor's phone buzzed.

"Oh! Georgia is having a party tomorrow night!"

Jones grinned, "Her parties are always great! Are we all going?" There was a collection of happy nods at the table. Then Taylor looked at me.

"You're coming too, Betty!"

"I am?" I asked. I didn't even know Georgia, and it felt a bit strange to crash her party in the second week of school.

"Everyone goes," Eli said from beside me. I looked at him, and he smiled, "well, mostly just our grade - however, I think we can make an exception for you."

I blushed at him, and Kyle smacked him. "Shut up, Eli, everyone goes. There will be lots of Juniors and Sophomores too."

I was thrilled. I was thinking about what I would wear. "Okay, but I don't think I'm going to drink."

Taylor pouted, "aww, I wanted to meet crazy Betty."

I giggled, "don't worry, you'll meet her. Just not tomorrow."

Eli smiled, leaning closer to me, "I guess I won't drink tomorrow night either - just to give you a friend. I'll pick you up around eight."

Eli got up from the table, and Kyle and Jones followed his suit. I looked across the table, and Owen and Taylor were grinning at me like morons.

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