you keep kissing him

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you kept staring at your phone awaiting a text from chnayeol to notify you that he's home, you heard his keys jangling infront of the door

your face suddenly lit up as you saw him entering the dorm

" chanyeol!! " you ran up to him and jumped up to his waist

" im here im here " he carries you

you looked at him for awhile with a grin and you kept kissing his kips

" did you miss me? " he smiles at you as you kept kissing him

you wouldn't let him finish his words

" i was away for 2 hours did you have to kiss me so much ? " he asks

" 2 hours is farrrr~~~ too long " you got down from him and held his hands

" let's go inside " you led him into the room you both shared

" where's the other members? " he asks

" they went out, they'll be back tomorrow morning " you kept pulling on his hand to go in the bedroom


he was sitting on the couch watching tv, you came out of your hot shower and sat next to him

he placed his arm around your shoulder as a reflex and you lay your head on his chest

" chanyeol ah? " you call out to him

" hm? " he looks downwards at you

your faces were really close and you decided to kiss him again

as you were kissing you placed your milky soft legs on his lap and he rubs your thigh as you both kiss

" why are you kissing me so much today? " he said inbetween kisses

" i love you " you kiss him more

he lightly held you chin to slow down your pace, you bite his lips and snuck your tongue into his mouth

" you're sneaky baby " he smirked at you while rubbing your thighs

you both chuckled and he carried you bridal style into the bedroom and yall did sum " WILD


" Chanyeol Ahh!! breakfast is ready " xiumin knocks on his door

as soon as he heard the knocks he covered your naked body with the blanket and pats your head

" alright i'll be right there " he replies to xiumin

he looks at your sleeping figure and leans closer to you until he planted a kiss on your forehead

he put on a hoodie and some pants and headed out to the kitchen where everyone except for you were eating

" don't go in my room, she's naked in there.. sleeping ! " chanyeol said casually and the others understood

" come here, there's sausage rice for you " chen helps him open a container

chanyeol thanks him and ate his rice while sitting next to chen

" yahh~~ chanyeol~~ " suho mocked

" what? " he answers coldly as he was tired from last night

" your lips are redder than your mother's red lipstick what did she do to you " suho says while being impressed

" she kept kissing me and my lips bled " he explains

" no wonder you're eating so slow " kyungsoo teases

" i wish i could've watched what y'all did last night " baekhyun sighs

chanyeol glares at him and baekhyun apologises and backs off in fear

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