Prologue (Cross)

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No One's POV

The only color you could see for miles, was white. White represented emptiness, space. Space the should normally be filled with color. But not here. There was nothing in this empty space, save for one skeleton. This skeleton went by the name of Cross. Cross had been here for a long time. He didn't know how long, but it had been long enough for him to start wishing that that bastard Ink would come back. He wanted someone real to talk to. Not just a ghost that wouldn't shut up.

'Well that wasn't very nice Cross.'

"Shut up Chara. I'm not in the mood right now." Cross turned to glare at the floor next to him. He really did not want to put up with Chara right now. He just wanted to wallow in his own misery, and hatred.

For one he was all alone, and the fact he could only talk to the ever annoying Chara was not helping.

'Again dude. That's just mean. I'm stuck here with you too you know. Who else am I supposed to talk to?'

And again Cross ignored them. And two, he hated Ink. Actually hated might be an understatement. Ink was supposed to be the protector. He could literally use his paintbrush to make anything in existence. So why was it so difficult for him to remake Cross' world. The whole time the protector has been spending with Cross, he had believed Ink could bring his world back. That, had turned out to be a lie.

Why couldn't anything go right for him? Why did he have to sit here alone, suffering, while other AUs were perfectly happy.

He had half expected Chara to say something snappy again, but for some reason, they were dead silent. Cross was momentarily stunned, but was quite happy that they were actually quiet for once.

"You look pretty miserable here."

Cross jumped when he heard a bone chilling voice. There was no one else here but him and Chara! So why was an unknown voice speaking to him. He was delusional wasn't he? He turned around and saw the most terrifying skeleton. At least, he thought it was a skeleton. He really couldn't tell with all that black stuff covering his whole body. Four lashing tentacles were protruding from his back and he had one glowing cyan eye. Yup. He was definitely hallucinating. Too much time alone could do that to you.

The skeleton was sporting a haunting grin, but hat turned into a slight frown when he saw that Cross didn't look at all interested. "You don't seem very happy to see me."

Cross was still unamused. "Why would I be happy to see something that's not even real?" Cross was still convinced he was delusional. Why would anyone in their right mind come to this empty place? Oh! That's why Ink came here!

The skeleton looked confused for a moment before his grin widened and his face lit up with realization. "You think you're hallucinating. Well, I can assure you, I am no illusion. I am here."

Cross was silent for a moment while he processed the information. All of a sudden he shot up and spun around, his eyes wide. "You mean you're real?! Like actually here?!"

The skeleton's eyes showed the slightest bit of sympathy, but that was quickly covered by amusement. "Yes, I am really here." He paused for a moment to put his hands in his pockets, and then continued speaking, "I am Nightmare, King of Negativity. I came because I could sense your Negativity."

Cross looked shocked and confused, before his face broke into pure joy. Nightmare allowed Cross to inspect him, but pushed him back gently after a while. "Look Cross-"

Cross froze, wide-eyed. "I never told you my name. How did you know it?" Cross was immediately wary again. So much for that progress.

Nightmare sighed heavily. "Let's just say I know my fair share about AUs." Cross looked relieved and less wary now, so Nightmare continued on before Cross could even get the chance to respond. "Now. For the reason I am here. I would like to offer you a deal. You work with three other skeletons from different AUs to spread negativity across the multiverse, and I provide you with a home, food, and you get to talk to other people. Other than your overly annoying ghost friend."

Cross heard Chara give an indignant squawk, complaining about 'Why is everyone calling me annoying today?!' Honestly Cross couldn't care less right now. What he was really focused on at the moment was the offer Nightmare presented him. Cross was very tempted to take the offer, and he honestly couldn't see any real downside to it. Except maybe the part about spreading negativity across the multiverse, but that didn't seem too hard.

Cross looked back at Nightmare to see him holding out one of his hands, presumably for Cross to take. "So, what do you say Cross?" Cross extended his arm to shake Nightmare's hand, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of golden ducking through a portal. He shrugged it off as nothing, and firmly shook Nightmare's hand.

"I say you've got yourself a deal Nightmare."

???'s POV

I quickly ducked back through the portal when I saw the skeleton look at me. I had sensed his negativity and came to make sure he was okay, but I guess I was too late. Nightmare had gottne there first, which was very bad. I had to go warn Ink about the new skeleton before anything bad happened. I just really hoped Nightli - I mean Nightmare - didn't do anything bad. I really, really hoped.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter! Only one character left before we start on the actual story! I'm really excited! See you all then!


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