A strange save

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Tut mir leid das gleich das erste auf Englisch ist. Ups.

Die ersten vier Storys werde ich in einer anderen Reihenfolge hochladen, als ich sie geschrieben habe. Der Grund dafür ist einfach, dass es irgendwie mehr Sinn macht, auch wenn die einzelnen Storys nicht aufeinander aufbauen. Ok das ist noch verwirrender.

Wie auch immer, viel Spaß beim Lesen.

Darkness. This was all they saw, after they opened their eyes. They looked around but they have sawn nothing except form Darkness. They did not know where they were. The last thing they remember were that they did a walk in the forest. After standing up they smelled wet soil and blood. Beside them were a wall out of dirt. They recognised that they must have fallen into a trap or something. Based on this knowledge they also heard birds singing above them. No this couldn't be birds, could it? But what was it then? What this was they could not say, even after seeing the animal. They could not remember how long they were down there. maybe the hours or fife. They don't know and couldn't tell what the time was when they start the walk. After hours of waiting they saw a light coming from above. The next thing they saw was a bird. A red and orange bird with a big trail. It flew down to them, grab them with his claws, raised up again and set them on the floor. What they saw then they could not describe it with words. The main thing was that they were saved by the strange bird. So in the end, everyone was safe and sound!

ThoughtsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt