Chapter Six

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I make my money
And I write the checks
So say my name with a little respect

Harry's POV:

"Mmm you gotta be kidding me this is so good" I moaned when Noor chuckled
She's just so good with cooking and this chicken feels like heaven of flavors in my mouth

"You know I haven't cooked for a month long now" she chuckled setting in front of me while we eat dinner together
"Yes I know but you still so good with it" she smiled at my compliment and thanked me.

"So your she okay with you being here?" Noor asked putting her phone down after writing a quick text which seems to annoy her

"Since when you ask me that Noor?" I lift an eyebrow
"Since now, cause you have a girlfriend" I rolled my eyes at her

"Noor camille is not like the other women there's a trust between us and-" I was cut off by my phone ringing on the table in front of me and Camille's name popped on the screen

Noor snorted "yeah there's a clear trust" I glared at her and told her to shut up

"Hey babe" I answered the call looking at Noor in front of me while she eats her food
"Hi harry where are you baby? I come to your house and didn't find you" her soft voice talked sadly into the phone and I felt guilty for not being there for her. I gave camille an extra key for my house so she can walk in and out comfortably making herself feels like home.

"I'm sorry love..I am at a friend house I will be home in few minutes" I said picking at my peas with my fork
"A friend? Who is it?" She sounds a little bit uncomfortable

I huffed "It's Noor my bestie..I wanted to see her" I talked honestly and saw Noor smiling at me
I heard shifting in the other side of the line "oh...okay... I will be waiting for you" I heard her small voice and I smiled softly at her
"Okay cherry À bientôt!" I heard her giggles from the other side of the line and that's when I grinned knowing she's not angry at me

When I closed the line I looked up at Noor who was looking at me with stink "you awful at French son" I rolled my eyes
"It's like you better..." I said and she smirked of course she's better she can speak six languages very freely and with an accent to each. And her French is absolutely hot

"Okay Noor I can't be more late on my lady I should leave I will see you tomorrow morning drop at my place we have a plans to talk about" I get up after finishing my food kissing her on the cheek before walking out she stopped me

"I can't." She said and I turned around looking at her with confused
"What do you mean by you can't?"
"I have a work tomorrow's came out an emergency...I have to drop by a meeting in the big city" I groaned

"Noor I thought you said you don't have work anymore and we gonna have this holiday" she looked at me with apologizing eyes
"I'm sorry Harry yes I know what I said..but it's because one of the biggest business man I'm working with lately being a pain in the ass for my men I have to sort some stuff with my own hands" she walked to where I stand and showed me his picture

"His name is Mr. Arthur Clifford he's a Spanish business ass have the real estate finance for half of my business this year and he's son taking the business on him in meetings and he drives me insane of the way he talks like we don't have a deal between us...but to be completely honest he's attractive" I didn't understand most of what she's talking about but I understand one thing that this son of Mr. Clifford is giving my best a friend a hard time and that's not good

"What do you mean Noor?" I asked
"He keeps flirting in meetings" she rolled her eyes and I frown my eyebrows
"Are you gonna meet him tomorrow? I'm coming with you I will teach that son of a bitch how to talk with you" I clinched my jaw and Noor smiled softly at me

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