Chapter Twenty

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Hey everyone missed me? :)
Buckle up it's long ride...

Harry's POV:
"I wanna go get drunk" I leaned back on the couch body while I'm setting on the floor next to Noor eating some chips
"Me too." Noor agreed and I looked at her with a smile "when the last time we got drunk together?" I said and she thought about it before answering me

"Two months ago I guess" I shrugged at her answer "who else wanna go?" I asked looking at everyone setting around the couches and floor as well watching some series I wasn't really interested in

"I'm down for a drink." Mitch said and Sarah agreed to go as well eventually everyone agreed but my girlfriend she seems off today maybe she's sick from our dip at the lake last night. I smiled remembering what happened last night

I made the place a little bit romantic for both of us since we don't really go in public restaurant for normal couple dates so I thought might as well make it super special. Noor helped me with the candles and roses on the lake and around it everything was so beautiful last night felt like a dream just the both of us naked into the cold water of the lake making love yes we make love I can't believe I'm saying it but I made love for someone for the first time in my whole life and camille May don't know about this but Noor does and she feels so proud of me

Camille and I's relationship has developed so well over the past three months I got to know her better and she got to know me too I even was planning on taking her with me to London when we back so I can introduce her to my mom I may have called Anne a couple times and talked to her about camille and she seems so excited to meet her over what I've been telling her mom thinks she makes me so happy and I guess she's right camille changed me to the better

"I think I'll pass I'm staying home today" camille talked with a tired voice while her head is in Theo's lap she seems so tired maybe she is sick. I frown my eyebrows and wiggled my body closer to the couch their setting on while I'm still on the floor so that's give me a good view of her face lying there tiredly

"Hey okay?" I talked softly brushing her blonde hair from her face so I can put my hand on her forehead to check her temperature and it seems a little bit higher than usual

She nodded her head closing and open her eyes tiredly "I'm fine Harry" she whispered and I noticed Theo chuckling when I looked up at him seeing his eyes are on the tv and he eats from his snacks completely ignoring his best friend who lies on his lap I rolled my eyes on him and looked down at her

"Do you want me to make you some soup? You didn't eat much for lunch" I talked again and she shook her head no "I'm fine Harry relax" she groaned getting up slowly and set up
I looked up at her from where I set on the floor and she hold both of my cheeks with her hands squishing them together

"I'm fine I just don't feel like getting drunk tonight, you can go though I'll just go to sleep early I guess" she smiled down at me and I raised an eyebrow "I wont leave you alone here I'll be worried the entire time" I talked with my face still between her ringed hands

"I'll stay I have early flight tomorrow anyway so I won't go get drunk" Theo talked his eyes never left the tv from the corner of my eye I can see Mitch roll his eyes

I looked at camille and shack my head "no I wont go I'll stay here take care of you." I said taking her hand in mine and kiss it pouting my lips up at her "after all it is my fault" she playfully rolled her eyes at my words and smiled at me "it's not your fault Harry I had a beautiful time yesterday" she whispered and I grinned at her mouthing 'me too'

"I'll take care of her Harry don't worry after all i was there for her way before you come into her life" he smirked and I clenched my jaw but feeling soft fingers rubbing it to calm me down I looked up at her eyes and she smiled softly at me. It doesn't matter Camille's mine.

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