Chapter 7 - Cici

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Cici snapped awake. Something wasn't right. Sharp pains stabbed into his stomach, a gruesome reminder that he had to eat. He tiptoed to the kitchen and quickly made a cup of ramen. As he snuck back to his bedroom, ramen in hand, he peeked in Fredbear and Springy's room. Empty. He sighed and continued along the hallway.

When he made it back to his room, he checked the clock. 11:50. He had been asleep for about 18 hours. Finally, the reality of what had happened came to him like a snack in the face. The children, dead, still bleeding. Springy, the murderer. Fredbear and Springy in a hopeless fight. Cici had to clench his teeth to stop from puking up the few noodles he had eaten already. After a few deep breaths, he cleared his mind enough to eat the rest of the cup.

As he threw his cup into the trash bin, an enormous roar shook the house. It was too loud to be a person but too rich to be a gun. It was as if a bomb had gone off in the next room. Cici gripped the bed for support as the ground shook violently. After about thirty seconds, it stopped and the house was quiet. Cici released a sigh of relief, but with a faint click, the power went out and he was plunged into pure darkness.

Fear. Uncontrollable fear. His chest was so tight, he just needed air. He couldn't breathe. Air. All he could see was her face. The little girl's face smeared with her own blood. He needed to breathe, but he couldn't. All he could do was panic. Cici stumbled on shaky legs and groped blindly for his end table. His hands finally connected with the cold wood, and he grabbed the small flashlight resting there. He just couldn't bring himself to turn it on. He was going to see them. The kids lying in pools of blood with Spring Bonnie to blame.

Cici didn't know how he eventually managed to turn it on, but a small beam pierced the darkness. His room was normal. There were no kids. No Spring Bonnie. He took in a giant gasping breath, and then another. He was ok. He swiped the beam around the room. Whatever that explosion was must have caused the power to go out. He sighed and laid down on his bed, close to tears. The past 24 hours had been the worst time in his life. He just wanted to go back to sleep. Just as he began to drift off, a muffled thump defeated any chance of a restful night.

It came from the left side. Cici's heart quickened. Maybe it was Fredbear coming back! He jumped off of the bed and over to the left door leading into the hallway. He nudged the door open and beamed the light down the long hallway. A gruesome sight met his eyes.

It was a grotesque blue rabbit with flies surrounding its body and landing on its matted whiskers and fur. Its piercing red eyes seemed brighter than any flashlight as they pried into Cici's mind and uncovered his deepest, darkest fears. With a yelp, Cici whipped the door closed. What was that thing? Where did it come from? He did his best to calm his racing heart. Maybe he had imagined it. Slowly, he cracked open the door and peeked into the hall. Nothing.

Slowly, he made his way back to the bed. What was wrong with his head? He must be going insane. He thought about running for help, but that would be impossible with that thing in the hallway, if it was even real. Maybe he could run to the kitchen down the other hall! He grabbed his flashlight and jogged to the door. Cici pushed the door open ad stepped out, only to see another form at the end of the hall, waiting.

It was a bird this time. Its feathers were missing in some places, and scraggly in the others. Its jaw hung at an unnatural angle and bones were showing on its wings. Cici screamed and rushed back into the relative safety of his room. This couldn't be happening. How in the world were nightmarish creatures in his house? He sat on the bed, frantically shining the light from door to door. All he had to do was survive until sunrise. He checked the clock, 5 ½ hours to go.

The rest of the night became a panicked blur. He ran from door to door, shining his light down the halls. Sometimes he would see the awful animals. It was when he didn't that he grew worried. The fear from before was his only clue that this was all real. It was his constant companion, but it couldn't control him just yet. He had to make it. Only 3 more hours.

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