Chapter 1 Leave & Meet

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It was sunset Kageyama and Hinata are sitting in front of their club room door staring at the orange sky while holding hands.

"Oi chibi today's our last day together" Kageyama says while holding Hinata's hands
"Yeah" Hinata responds and Kageyama grips his hand tighter, soon there was silence
"Nee~ kageyama do you really need to move to Tokyo?" Hinata breaks the silence.
"I'm sorry but I really have to go" Kageyama replied giving an unfortunate answer.
"But I'll come back for you after university I promise" Kageyama says shortly.
"Really???" Hinata ask curious and doubtful
"Yeah trust me" Kageyama says as he makes a soft face.
"T-then pinky promise" Hinata says holding his pinky in front of kageyama and Kageyama intertwined his pinky with Hinata's.
After staring at the sunset the duo walked home side by side holding hands.

>2 months later in TOKYO university<

-why did mom send me to live with uncle and attend university, Tokyo is so large the streets and schools here are so confusing.- Hinata's inner thoughts

"Is it this way, no wait perhaps that way" a highly energetic teen looks at his map with confusion and ignoring everything on his surroundings. *Bumps* "Sorry" the lost teen looks up and sees another teen with blonde and black hair "huh K-Kenma" the young man yells surprised.
"Hinata Hi!"Kenma replies, the two walk together while catching up!

>5 mins later<
"Wow~ so Kenma-san is part of the volleyball team isn't that awesome!" Hinata cheerfully says.
"Hmm I guess." Kenma replies while playing on his game console
"ne~ Kenma what's that huge building over there?" Hinata questions
"oh that's the volleyball team personal gymnasium." Kenma answers putting his console away, the two makes their way into the gym, Kenma opens the door and lead Hinata inside
"woah amazing!" Hinata says in awe
"Kenma morning!" a tall player who looks as if he just woken up greets Kenma "good morning" Kenma says in his usual poker face "Kuro-chan why'd you leave me all of a sudden you're so cruel" a flamboyant player clings onto Kuro and whines "T-the g-grand king" Hinata yells really shock "Oikawa!!! What are you doing there slacking off from practice" a loud yell was projected leaving oikawa to flinch and freeze "I-iwa-chan" oikawa stutters iwaizumi's name and slowly turns around to face the hostile male and on queue oikawa was dragged away by iwaizumi.

Hinata ask kuroo for direction of where his classroom is and headed off. When Hinata arrived in front of his classroom and was about to open the door another hand slithered it's way onto the door handle Hinata looked at the person and was extremely shocked.


Both their eyes widen surprised to see each others presence.

To be continued...
||Hi Zen the BL Master here thx for reading the story and hope u tune in for the more.||

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