She caught me staring 🤕

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Delvin's POV
She just caught me staring and it's damn obvious that I was looking at her for a long time. I still don't know why she hates me.. does she think I like Annie?. Have been a jerk for the past three years.. yeah, have been a real asshole.. been keeping to my self since the tragic accident took place.
I don't want to lose anyone that dear to me so I avoided anything that will lead to love or anything serious. Lame excuse right? I know and I don't care but I feel bad for my mom 'cause have been ignoring her since I heard the news.
I have had a crush on Lori since forever but she thinks am some kind of jerk.

Not like she's any better, I heard she doesn't date. That's good to me though, am gonna change that rumour soon.
My problem right now is how an gonna approach her and not create more problem or she's probably gonna laugh at me and broadcast it to the whole school and that's not gonna be cool. I have a personality to protect.
         Am the school soccer captain, also brilliant in class but still Lori hates me💔. I am going to approach her this week I guess
I guess Mr. Lincoln found out I wasn't paying attention and called me to answer a question about a shitty year. Fuck history!
Good thing the bell rang¯\_(ツ)_/

Annie's POV

          So, the queen slut is back(note the sarcasm). I thought she would had died during summer.. oops she didn't. She is so cool, popular, Preety and everything I am and I hate her for that. I hate competitors. She waved to everyone except me and Delvin.. am ok with her staying away from Delvin, HE IS MINE! Look at the way Delvin is staring lustfully at her, am sure she gave him some love portion.
   Can't Delvin look at me the way he looks at her. She doesn't even give him the slightest attention. Am rich, am all a guy would want in a lady.
Have always had a crush on Delvin since the first day I set my eyes on him. He is so perfect.
I gotta concentrate before old man Lincoln calls me. Am practically dumb in my academics (sheesh! Don't tell anyone).
Thank God the bell rang

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