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A-bryce seriously if you dont Get up im gonna kill you and no im not kidding

B-you can try.

A-i doooonnttt wanna be late my dads gonna kill me like seriously im dead if he finds out

B-WhAt is the big deal


B-arghhh give me 5 min.

I heard Someone come in the door he walked in the room it was tayler

A-frick you scared me

Tayler is like my brother you know and we almost talk like everyday on the phone before i didnt hear from him in like 5 days and yes he was 3 years older then me but i knew him from a party.

T-eyyyyy why are you here

B-shes my girlfreind now can you guys shutup

T-oh so your together?

B-yes we are now shutup before ill kill you tayler

T-K geeez anyways can i talk to you Ameliea ?

A-K sure

He dragged me out from the apartment down to his car




T-im asking you an important question

A-oh well heres a question well you ignored me for 5 days now thats a question

T-i told you my phone broke

A-oh oops forgot

T-huh well still bryceee??

A-yeah wth about it

T-like man you sure you wanna be with him?

A-i mean yes are you doubting my realationship because if you are imma snap you kill you

Tayler rolled his eyes

A-i mean like we are a Great ship im keeping him together his funny-

T-oh my god shutup.do you know wth hes done to girls?

A-no i dont knoow

T-well its just one girl he Hasnt cheated on ONE girl

A-who is it?

T-Indiana Ameliea WhAt im trying to say is that if you go on with this guy and Indiana comes back its over

A-now its not or maybe it is but fuck it if it is it is i dont give a good ass shit and im leaving bye

AS i tried going out the door tayler took me in the car holding me back from going out with the door still opened

T-dont say i didnt warn you and if you Even think about saying that he cheated on you im not gonna let you be with anyone Else on my watch.

He took me away from his grip and i walked away out of the car while he speeded away in his jeep

You walked up again in the apartment and you saw that your 1 hour late to school you tried to wake up bryce but it didnt work so you got some water and sprayed it on him

B-fucckkk wth you want

A-were one hour late

B- yeah shiiiitr fuuckk

Bryce jumped of the bed and sprayed something on him and took on clhotes and then got the car keys to the Porsche and carried you down in bridal style and puttes you in the car then locked your door and then got in the car he speeded up Even though it was a 30 min trip

B- frick im so tiiireddd

A-you Kinda look hot with your tried voice and messy hair

B-oooohh stop babe stttttoooop I SAID STOP I saidSTOP

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