~•Chapter 4•~

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??? POV

I sat on my desk, staring at my computer with nothing but boredom. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I took it out of pant's pocket and opened it. A message popped up on my screen.

Nootmare: Sup glitch bud.

The message read. And I decided to reply.

AngryGlitch: Sup Nightmare.

Nootmare: You free today?

AngryGlitch: Yeah, why so?

Nootmare: Well, our group and my brother's friends are going on a hangout today, you comin'?

AngryGlitch: Sure? What time tho?

Nootmare: Well, around 1PM, and it's 12 rn, so hurry up.

AngryGlitch: Okay, okay. Wait, where should we meet up?

Nootmare: At the East Side Park, that should work.

AngryGlitch: Okay, Cya!

Nootmare: Bye bud!

I turned off my phone and stood up. Well, a hangout is better than nothing. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I went out of the bathroom and searched for any decent clothes. I found a red turtleneck shirt and blue ripped jeans. I quickly put it on and took my phone inserting it on my pocket, I went out of my room and went to the living room. I found my older brother writing an essay, and a blue glasses taped on his skull.

I went to his side and tapped him on the shoulder,and he looked at me with questioning look.

"What?" he asked.

"Well, I'm going on a hangout with my friends, and I should probably be back at 4. If not, expect me at 6." I answered, he just shrugged and nodded. I quickly took my jacket that was laying on the couch beside my brother and put it on.

"Geno! Fresh! I'm going out, be back later!" I yelled, and went out of the house.

I walked down the sidewalk, I suddenly remembered that I left my headphone at home,and I don't want to go back, so I just continued on my way. I eventually reached the said park, and found none other than Cross, Horror, Dust, and Killer who was waving at me and Nightmare was nowhere to be seen. I went up to them stand beside Horror, who was busy daydreaming on whatsoever.

Horror snapped out of daydream, and looked at me. I decided to ask him the question that was lingering on my mind.

"Hey Horror, where's Nightmare?" I asked, Horror shrugged but answered my question.

"Well, he texted me that his gonna be late,cause he's gonna pick up his brother's boyfriend and friend." He answered, and looked away from me.

From far away, I saw four figures approaching us, the first one have 4 tentacles waving in his back, the second one was shorter than the first one with gold outfit and seemed to be clinging onto the third one, the third one has a white t-shirt and a brown blazer with golden linings, and the last one was shorter out of the three, and wearing an all blue outfit.

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