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Ayyye I have a cover nowww! <3 :) (the song above has nothing to do with the chapter, I just think it's neat) 


The stories I read tend to stick to magic. Spells, knights, saviors, royalty that don't need saving, and the occasional superhero. This book isn't any of that. It's my favorite, regardless. This story hasn't ended, and I'm not sure when it will. I know it will. Things end. That's that.

Elijah kicks my shoe, keeping me from getting too far into my thoughts. His eyes are still glued to his phone. It occurs to me this is really only the beginning.

"Alice," Ollie says.

She perks her head up from her book. Studying for SATs, handling it like a champ. What a gal.

"Yes?" she asks, running her hand through her auburn hair. Her other hand is clicking a pen. One, two, pause. One, two, three, pause. Repeat. Ollie pokes her shoulder instead of responding. One poke, two, three- a smile breaks out on her face, dropping the pen and massaging her hand.

Elijah scoffs. "Pay them no mind, love, Oliver dear is just needy."

"Don't expose me like that."

"Y'all, we're getting looks from the librarians, best we quiet down." I said.

Oliver whined loudly. "I am quiet!"

A harsh shhh! came from behind the librarians counter. I raised an eyebrow at Oliver, who was currently sticking their tongue out in the direction of the noise. "Very mature," I comment, nodding. Elijah breathes a laugh through his nose.

Alice checks the thin white watch on her wrist. "It's 6:23. We should get going... Thank you guys for staying with me, really-"

Oliver ruffles her hair. "No worries sweetheart. Let's head out, yeah? You especially should relax. Been at it for hours."

Alice nods with a soft, yet tired smile. "Yeah... yeah." she mumbles to herself- something about color coordination. Highlighter hierarchy? I let out a soft laugh, packing my things up along with the rest of them. Elijah tucks his phone in his back pocket and walks to the door. Oliver skips to meet him, scowling back at the glaring librarians. I roll my eyes. Ollie could befriend anyone, could sweet talk into or out of any situation, yet they can't get along with the old lady that is Ms. Harris.

Alice grabs my hand. "Ready?"

I nod. "Mhm. Where to? Can you stay out longer- er, do you want to?"

"Yeah, my moms getting home late tonight, and grandma is taking Henry for the weekend. She got him earlier today." Henry is her younger brother. Only about seven years old, sweetest kiddo you'll ever meet. Must run in the family.

"Mkay," we reach the other two. "Y'all wanna go to the tower tonight? We might make it before it gets too dark, and I have an idea..."

Elijah agrees, shoving his hands in his pockets. Ollie loops their arm through his, smiles wide, and says, "Yeah! What's the idea?"

I bite the inside of my cheek. "I'll figure it out as I go. Not complete."


Sorry the chapters kind of short, next one'll probs be longer! 

Remember to take care of yourself! Drink some water, eat some food, take your meds and be nice to yourself! 


Jay :) 

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