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Colby Brock
"I promise you that one day I will tell you." I tell her. "It may be a couple of months, but you will know. I promise." I take both of her hands and stare into her eyes. I need her to accept my request because I need her. It's as simple as that. Without her, I feel like I used to feel and I don't like that anymore. I want to feel more alive now.

"But if you're keeping this thing from me, then you'll feel distant from me." I can feel that she's about to start ranting and I know just the thing to win her over. "And I don't like that. I don't want to feel like you're not really there because- " I quickly lean forward and I kiss her, intensely, on the lips. I instantly feel the arousal coming from her, which drives me a little insane. I know that unless I pull back, I'm not going to be doing the job I'm supposed to tonight.

I decide to do the smart thing and pull back a little, moving my hands to either side of her face. Whether she knows it or not, she melts into my touch. "Lydia, I will do everything in my power to make you feel included but you have to understand that this secret isn't just mine to keep. It's everyone's. And we have to be confident that you'll stick around before we tell you anything . . . do you understand?" I need her to say yes so badly. Please say yes . . .

"Yes." Relief washes through my entire body. It's so much relief that I can't even stop myself when I lean in and kiss her again. My hands slide down from her face to her waist where her muscles feel more tense, and I pull her closer. At some point, she manages to climb on top of me and the kiss intenses a couple of notches. Though I'm still sitting up, all I can think about is what's beneath her clothes. What it's like to take this another step further.

She opens her mouth wider as if asking me to make this kiss ten times hotter but before I can, my phone buzzes again. I feel like groaning as I lose her contact. She gasps, leaning her forehead against mine so that she can breathe. My hands have tightened on her without me realising. I know I'll have to be careful about that because I couldn't stand hurting her.

The settling feeling in my stomach is overwhelming my entire body. Though the monster growled really loud the moment she climbed up to straddle my waist, he's kept himself at bay to little of my command. Maybe it's because I haven't let myself breathe for most of this time with her. If I breathe, he smells her and if he smells her, he might be too strong to stop.

"I should . . . I should go." I whisper, thinking of all the things I could do that'd hurt her. I don't want to risk it right now, especially after feeling so amazing because of her. But still, my body doesn't move. It wants to stay beneath her and to pull her in for more, because if someone as hot as her was sitting on your lap you'd feel the same way. But then she moves back a little.

"The answer is yes. But if you turn into an ass just because of your friends or something then it'll be over." The moment I hear the word yes, I'm struck by my overwhelming feelings for her. They hit like a truck immediately as if they didn't already exist. Being accepted feels good, even if she doesn't know the true story yet. She will, one day. That's what I've promised her.

"I promise." She moves off of my lap, which makes me miss her weight and warmth, and allows me to stand. I collect my phone but don't look at it as I walk towards the front door. She sticks close behind me like I'm going to leave without saying goodbye to her. As if.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Colby?" She asks.

"Definitely." I turn, grab her cardigan, and pull her to me in a kiss. It feels much different to the other in a good way. Sort of like just a quick goodbye kiss . . . that lasts a few seconds.

Knowing that if I don't leave in a minute I won't leave at all, I regretfully step out into the hall and shut the door behind myself. I immediately run at vampiric speed down the hallway then jump through the window at the end with a graceful leap onto the street below.

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