The Talk

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(Don't play the song until it says to please and thank you) 

Lexi's POV

After Hanabusa showed me around the school, we started walking to the Headmaster's office so I could introduce myself to him and the school's guardians. I think Hanabusa said their names were Zero and Yuki, but I wasn't paying attention.

Hanabusa snapped his fingers in front of my face and said: "Lady Lexi, we're at the Headmaster's office."

"Huh? What? That was quick."

"Were you even paying attention to anything I just said?"

"No, sorry, Hanabusa. What were you saying?"

"I was saying, Lord Kaname may still be in there, and he more than likely will be taking you back to the dorms."

"Oh, ok, thank you for the tour, Hanabusa."

"It was my pleasure, Lady Lexi," Hanabusa said as he knocked on the door to the headmaster's office.

"Come in," said the headmaster. At least, I am assuming it was the headmaster since it is his office.

"Good evening, Headmaster Cross. I am Alexia Rosette, but I like to go by Lexi."

"Good evening Lexi. Kaname was just informing me of your arrival. I am Kaien Cross, and this is my daughter Yuki and my son Zero," said Headmaster Cross while pointing at both of them.

"I am not your son, and what are you doing letting another one of them in here," said Zero.

"I will not have you disrespect her hunter," said Hanabusa as he steps in front of me.

"Hi and Welcome to Cross Academy. Don't mind Zero. He is always like that," said Yuki.

"Hanabusa, please take Lexi back to her dorm. I will be there in a minute," said Kaname.

"Of course, Lord Kaname. After you, Lady Lexi," said Hanabusa as Hanabusa and I walked out.

Kaname's POV

After Hanabusa and Lexi left, I knew I had to protect Lexi from Zero. I don't need anything happening to her. I already have to worry about Yuki getting hurt by him; I don't need to worry about my childhood best friend getting hurt by him too.

"Kaname, Kaname, Kaname."

"Huh? Yes, Yuki."

"You kind of spaced out."

"Sorry, Yuki."

"So that's Lexi. Is she a Pureblood like you, Kaname? Is that why Hanabusa called her Lady Lexi?"

"Yes, Lexi is a Pureblood Vampire. She is also quite shy and sensitive, so it would be appreciated if Zero stayed away from her. She already doesn't want to be here, and your comment didn't help."

"Then why come here?" asked Zero.

"She didn't have a choice, and that's all I will say on the matter. Now I must take leave. Have a goodnight, Yuki, Headmaster Cross," I walked out of Headmaster Cross's office and back to the moon dorms.

Lexi's POV

After we got back to the moon dorms, I went to my room and tried to relax, so I got on my computer and continued my story "The Chosen Girl" when there was a knock on my door.

"Come in," I told the person outside my door, and guess who walked in none other than Kaname Kuran. This is going to be a long night.(Play The Song Here)

"Hello, Lexi; it's been a while since we last saw each other"

"Well, whose fault is that Kaname?"

"Mine mostly. I know I hurt you in the past."

"Hurt me, no, no, no, you betrayed my trust Kaname. I told you things about me that no-one else knew, and you used that to your advantage. You made me so dependent on you. Did you know I used to look up to as a brother, someone I thought would protect me no matter what? I want to trust you, Kaname, but I don't know if I can." I said as I looked away from him.

"I understand, Lexi. I promise I will earn back your trust, and I will protect you no matter what. I always did think of you as a sister. I know it might not mean anything, but you are just as important to me as Yuki is, and you know how important Yuki is to me," said Kaname as I pulled away from him as he tried to wrap his arms around me.

"You know, Kaname, it will take a lot to earn back my trust, but this is a start."

"Goodnight, Lexi. I'm glad we had a chance to talk."

"Goodnight, Kaname," I said as Kaname left my room.

Kaname's POV

After I left Lexi's room, I went in search of Aido. I had a job for him that only he could do for the simple fact I could trust him more than most. It didn't take long to find him. He was downstairs with Ruka and Akatsuki. As I entered the room, their eyes were on me. I motioned for Aido to follow me. He got up from the couch to follow me to my room.

"Hanabusa, I have a job for you."

"What kind of job, Lord Kaname?"

"You are to be Lexi's protector."

"Of course, I'd be honored to accept the job."

"I thought you would; you are the only one I can trust with this job."

"Consider it done."

"Another thing no one must know of this, and you are to tell Lexi. I'm trusting you, Aido."

"As you wish, Lord Kaname."

"That's the one thing about you, Hanabusa, you don't ask questions, and I appreciate that. You are dismissed, Hanabusa."

"Yes, Lord Kaname," Hanabusa says as he's leaving.

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