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Inside of me, there's a little kid who years to live down the hall from my older brother forever.

<><><>Gale's POV<><><>
My eyes dart away, yet I can't help but feel my fingers flex and grip the fabric of my pants.

What the hell was I just doing? Was I just. . . Staring at Adelaide Tea?

Adelaide takes the water bottle off my lips, a whirlwind of emotions spiraling in her eyes and face. Her cheeks blossom with a blush, and she flickers her dark eyes away from my face.

I can't help but have my heart skip a few beats and beat an extra few all at once. I shake my head, which is still spinning, and readjust my neck against the pillow. My jaw ticks once more, and I avert my gaze as well, blood pounding in my ears.

Adelaide had asked me what happened, but the wounds are still fresh physically and mentally.
For a moment I can't answer, allowing myself to fix my stare on the ceiling, pretending to feign ignorance.

trying to convince myself that I wasn't alive.

Eventually, though, I let a small breath escape my parted lips, and I, with gritted teeth, return my gaze to Adelaide.

She leans back, and settles herself at my feet. Her gaze is locked on the floor as she bites her bottom lip, her fingers tapping against the material of her socks. She pretends to be slightly patient, but by the anxious tick in her eyebrow, I can tell she wants to pry open my mind, and rummage around it.

"I got in a fight." I say after a few moments of silence. I instantly regret the words that slip past my mouth as Adelaide whips her head towards me, brows furrowed and lips pouting.

I close my eyes briefly and let in a shuttering breath, preparing myself to continue on with the story. When I don't continue, however, Adelaide clicks her tongue.

"Well I knew that," she chuckles softly, a sound like ringing bells. She points at my fists which are now covered in bandages. "It doesn't take a genius to figure that out."

I let a smile melt against my lips. I run my hand through my messy hair and chew on the inside of my cheek. "Yeah. . . Do you. . . Know who Noa James is?"

Adelaide looks at me, causing my heart to, regrettably, flutter. Slight recognition breezes across her face. "I've heard of him. He was your. . . Brothers best friend? Right?" She says slowly, her gaze returning to the floor.

"Yeah," I say softly. "Real jerk. Now, anyways." She looks up slightly, and I can tell she's waiting for me to continue. "I was at the park, sleeping in my car because I dunno, just wanted to I guess," a light smile plays against her lips, "when he came up to me. He claimed that I couldn't be there, and I knew it was because of what I told him those years ago." Adelaide's face  fills with evident guilt. "I got out of my car to reason with him, and he said a few things, I said a few things. Next thing I know I'm fighting with him. Then I drove to your house because for some reason that's what I thought of. I guess I didn't want my mom to see me like this. Not that she would care or even be home." I say bitterly, a sour expression on my face.

"Oh Gale." Adelaide says, her brows lifting in pity. "That's awful. But I'm glad you came here, really." She reaches out a hand cautiously, and puts it on top of mine. Both our faces burn brightly. I don't move my hand though, much to my confusion. "He has no right to tell you where to be. But neither of you had the right to start fighting." She says bluntly.

I nod my head slowly, taken aback by her words. "Yeah. I guess." I respond, unsure of what to say.

"Gale." Adelaide starts, hardness in her voice. I look up at her, furrowing my brows slightly. "I know nows probably not the time, but we're actually talking. And that's great." She smiles and my heart thumps violently. "I want you to know that I am truly sorry about what happened to Seven. It shouldn't of happened, and I can't help but feel I could've prevented it. I'm really sorry Gale."

My lips part slightly. One part of me was screaming, don't say his name! The other was saying, don't blame yourself. You were just a bit cowardly and didn't stand up for Seven.

Neither did I.

"It'll take a long time," I say, and Adelaide nods her head, "but I guess that it's. . . Not completely your fault. Yes, you were part of the torture my brother went through, but all in all you didn't lead to what happened to him. You could've prevented it, but you didn't. Anyone could've. I could've. But no one did. If we did, he would still be alive. I guess, in a way, we share the same guilt. That's good, I guess, because without guilt we wouldn't be human, really."  I lock eyes with Adelaide, and neither of our gazes waver. Then I say something I never would've said before. Or even thought of saying. "I'll try and forgive you." Adelaides eyes widen, and a tear slips down her pale cheeks.

Next thing I know, Adelaide is flinging herself towards me, arms wrapping around me. She buries her head in the crook of my neck, and I can't help but realize that her heart is not the only one going crazy. It's mine, too.

I return the hug cautiously, and we stay like that for a time.

Things I know about healing:

forgiving helps.

A lot.

I flutter my eyes closed for a moment. We don't feel forgiveness, we decide it.

My arms tighten around us, and hers mirror.

Neither of us want to let go.


So that happened.

Hope you guys are happy and healthy!! Thanks soo much for 1k views!!!!!
I don't know who needs the reminder, but you're sooo loved, I hope you know that.



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