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Percy POV

After a good round of scolding from mom, she leave to make lunch. I while the news in the living room. Huh its always a wonder to me on how they get these shots. The news somehow got my little talk with the Joker. After it showed me flying off it switched to the reporter. 

"Looks like the hero Superteen is back in business." I tuned out the rest of the reporters dialogue. Mom comes back with three plates filled with sandwiches, mac and cheese, and other amazing stuff. I smile and dig in. Ten minutes later dad enters the room. Not even looking up I say.

"Thought you'd be gone longer." 

"I would be if he didn't already know about it. I swear he knows everything before it's about to happen. Also no hello or hug?" I laugh and give him a short hug. "Oh almost forgot I invited the boys over tonight." I pale almost instantly. I drop the hug and but my hands over my face, rubbing my temples.

"Their gonna kill me." I mutter. Dad and mom laugh. "It's not funny. Their gonna kill me and then resurrect me and then kill me again!" I screech. That just made them laugh harder. 

--------------------time skip brought to you by drama Queen--------------------

I brushed my hair. Running my fingers through the thick strands. Putting on a white button up blouse. As well as gray slacks I rush to the living room. Where my two best friends are. Dick and Wally also known as Robin and Kid Flash. Yes I know dick is Robin. Dad took me over to Bruce's once and I ended up finding the bat cave. That took a lot of explaining. 

Anyway, when my dad says the 'boys' he means Wally and Dick. I knew the others but the three of us are the closest. 

Speaking of which, Dick was the first to notes me. He literally ran up to me and knocked me over in a hug. A second later Wally was on top of me too.  Heard laughing from the sofa and sent a glare in that general direction. Turning back to the to boys I spoke.

"I..uh missed you guys too but-your kinda crushing me!" They immediately got off me. 

"Sorry, water girl." Wally said, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling sheepishly. Meanwhile Dick was nice enough to lend me his hand. I gratefully took it. 

"Sooo..." And the questioning began. It was more like an interrogation, it involved a lot of yelling,  glares, and the occasional of me hitting Wally. In the end mom intervened and we ate dinner. Wally as usual scarfed down as much food as he could. 

We had our usual small talk. Who to prank next in the League, old memories of missions and stuff we'd done with one another, and caching up one the present stuff. But mom brought up a different topic that really interested me. 

"So Dick, how's everything with the team?" 

"Team?" I questioned turning to face my friend. He gave a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, Dick and Wally are apart of a team called the Young Justice. Did they not tell you yet?" Mom said.

"No..they didn't." I said my gaze shifting between the speedster and vigilante. I glanced at dad, he seamed..nervous. "So why don't you tell me about this, Young Justice?" I said it like a question but the two boys knew it wasn't. 

"W-well, it's a team of sidekicks that do covert missions." Wally stutters out. I faintly hear Dick say "Not that they ever stay covert." 

"Cool! I'm in." I said my usual demeanor returning. I almost laugh out loud at their expressions. Wally looks ecstatic, Dick looks pleased, mom looks somewhat horrified, and dad was sputtering out protests. "Dad I'm joining wether you like it or not." He sighed.


"So, when do I get to meet them?" I asked.

"If you want right now. Me and Wally brought our suits and I know you have yours on at all times." I smiled at Dick.

"Now sounds good."I said washing off my dish having finished moments prior. 

"Great! I'll inform bats about you joining." Dick yelled from the dining room.

 I walked out of the Kitchen back to the living room. I saw dad already in his suit. Wally and Dick were too. I smirked. I hugged mom and told her I'd be careful.

Together we walked outside and into the open. I looked between my dad and my two best friends. And ripped apart my button up reveling the S on my chest.

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