Part 4

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Lofn hated being treated differently. Worse, she despised those around her behaving as if she was the same. Welcoming her, smiling, keeping their eyes from wandering to the large black appendages jetting out from her back and towering above of her head. As if they were not there.

She did not feel that around the Lothbrok's breakfast table though. No one knew how to act or what to say. The atmosphere was tense. Awkward. Sideways glances were exchanged and Ivar's eyes moved frenetically from person to person, always settling back on her. Sigurd appeared to want to be anywhere but there, Ubbe observed Ivar, observing Lofn and Hvitserk simply ate while Aslaug was already into the mead.

"Lofn, are you comfortable in your room?" Aslaug asked from the end of the table, breaking the strange silence.

"I am, thank you," Lofn replied looking back to the thick porridge and bowl of apple sauce before her. To allow room for her wings, she sat alone on one long side, the boys across and Ivar at the other end, closest to her. She could feel his eyes on her, constantly.

"How is your pain dear?" Aslaug continued.

Opening her mouth to answer, Ivar cut her off.

"The bed is too small for her. She does not fit." Lifting his knife from his plate, he pointed toward her wings. "Because of those."

Closing her eyes, Lofn exhaled wearily before looking back to Aslaug. "I am fine my Queen, truly."

With a flat smile, Aslaug nodded, her eyes skipping back and forth between Lofn and her youngest son.

"I will be out today," Lofn spoke up, clearing her throat. "Just...letting you know."

"Of course, "Aslaug nodded, looking across to Ivar, who began to scowl. 

Cocking his head, he stared at Lofn, interrogating her with just his eyes. Ignoring him entirely, she dipped a spoon full of porridge into her apple sauce before taking a bite. With a pinched face, his eyes followed her repetitive movements, dipping her spoon into each bowl before taking a mouth full.

"Lofn, would you like me to accompany you?" Ubbe cut in over the sounds of forks and spoons on plates. "I am quite sure you are capable of going unattended, but I can offer you a ride wherever you are going. With me on horseback or I can arrange for you to ride your own?"

"Ubbe," Ivar leaned forward, his bright eyes glaring at his brother. "Are you blind or just stupid?" Throwing his gloved hand up, he stopped. "Do not answer. Both," he quipped. "She has wings. The girl has wings. She does not require a ride from you." Leaning back in his chair, he kept his eyes on Ubbe.

"Relax Ivar," Ubbe replied in a calm voice, scrunching his forehead at his brother's behaviour.

"Actually," glimpsing at Ivar, Lofn looked across at Ubbe. "I would prefer a ride. I have not lifted my full weight in the air since...." Her head motioned back to Ivar. "I want to go into the hills above the city. Work on getting my strength back."

"I will take you," Ivar blurted, straightening, his hand squeezed the armrest of this chair. Looking up to the far end of the table, "Mother!" he called.

Scoffing loudly, Sigurd shook his head, averting his eyes from those around the table. Hvitserk paused, a spoonful of dagmal halfway to his mouth.

Scanning her eyes between her sons, Aslaug lifted her brow. "Ivar will take Lofn in his chariot."

Out of the corner of her eye, Lofn could see Ivar's posture soften and he bought his cup to his mouth, looking smug.

"He knows those hills better than anyone and..." Ubbe rolled his eyes. "and..." Aslaug continued, shooting Ubbe a look of warning, "it is the least he can do."

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