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JAEMIN RAN AS FAST AS HE CAN to reach the last train of the day. it was already really late because he decided to stay a little bit longer on the café he worked in.

"thank god, i'm just in time," he mumbled as soon as he stepped foot inside the train. he immediately sat down on the seat nearest to him.

only a few people were on the train considering the time. there was an old lady sitting on the opposite side of him carrying a plastic bag full of what seems like medicines.

on the other side, there was a boy standing just staring at the window. he was facing his back at jaemin but his hair and pale skin stood out the most. ' i wonder if he looks cute, ' jaemin wondered.

there was also two girls sitting not so far from jaemin. they were chatting, talking about how regina stole hannah's boyfriend.

jaemin just huffed and took out his phone to avoid looking like a complete loner. it's not like anybody was looking at him at the moment, though.

after a few minutes of scrolling on his phone, jaemin got bored and decided to put it back in his pocket. he spared a glance at the two girls and saw that they were still talking.

the old woman was fighting the urge to sleep. he looked at the boy again and saw that he was already sitting, reading a book. jaemin examined the boy's face for a while. ' he's cute, ' he thought.

after a few minutes of just staring at anything, the train stopped. the old lady stood up and went out. he checked his watch and saw that it was already 11:10pm.

the train doors closed and he looked up again only to see that the cute boy from a while ago was now gone. ' ah, this must be his stop. '

his stop was still on the next one. the only ones left now was him and those two girls. he didn't really pay much attention to them and decided to just listen to music while texting his friend, jeno.


its 11 y u awake

im not home yet T_T

eh? why?

i worked hard today
i saw a cute boy lol

oh, did u talk to them?

ofc not
im shy


fuck off
he's really cute
i hope i'll see him again

u better talk to him next time
u see him then

no way
he might think im a creep

are u not, though?

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