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IT WAS ALREADY 10:20PM. jaemin decided to work late again today since he had nothing better to do at home.

he lived alone in his apartment, but his parents give him money to pay for his expenses every month. so why was he working in a café? well, he found it nice to earn money from his own hardwork. he also already loved his job and the people there.

"you're working late again today?" he heard someone talk while he was busy cleaning a table that was once occupied by two girls.

it was almost time to close. the atmosphere was quiet but peaceful and only the music from the café's speakers were heard.

"yep! i don't have things to do at home," he shrugged and finished cleaning, now facing the boy that was behind him.

"how about you? i thought you'll leave early."

"nah, i felt like staying a little bit longer."

"a little bit?"

"shut up, na. i was bored and i also got nothing to do."

"alright, hyuck, i believe you. it's not like you wanted to wait for that guy who came here every 9pm, right?"


"so, did you get his number?"

they were now preparing to close the shop since it's nearing 11pm and he can't miss the last train.

"i wrote down my number on his cup and wrote there to call me," he said with confidence. jaemin just chuckled at his friend. he was happy that donghyuck finally got the courage to do that.

they both knew each other for a long time, that's why they weren't awkward with each other. donghyuck was actually the one who suggested that jaemin could work at the café with him.

after a lot of teasing and talking, they parted ways. jaemin was going going to ride the last train of the day, while donghyuck lived not too far away from the train station.

he buried his hands inside his pocket and got inside the train. he checked his watch and saw that it was just 10:56PM. gosh, he almost missed it like yesterday.

he immediately sat down and took his phone from his bag. while waiting, he played some music and made himself comfortable by leaning his head against the glass.

it looked like he was busy enjoying his own world. with his eyes closed, hands buried inside his pockets, head leaning against the window with his messy hair. (he didn't bother combing it.)

he was brought back to reality when he heard a sound that indicated that the train will now move. he now sat properly and opened his eyes.

there, sitting in front of him was the boy he found on the same train yesterday. he looked the same, except for the clothes he was wearing.

he was still busy reading the same book from yesterday, but jaemin noticed how he was nearing the end of it. 'must be an interesting book since he finished it that fast,' he thought.

renjun, on the other hand, felt as if he was being watched. he wasn't wrong.

he looked up from his book and noticed how the guy sitting on the opposite side was staring at him. he immediately looked away though, so renjun just shrugged it off.

'shit,' jaemin mentally cursed himself. he got caught staring at the person in front of him. 'great. now he thinks i'm a weirdo.' he thought and fought the urge to punch himself.

he took his phone from his pocket and texted jeno. he wanted to rant and at the same time he wanted to be busy so that he can avoid staring too much at the boy in front of him who just flipped a page.

this might be the most
embarrassing day of my life

pretty sure you've done more
embarrassing things before
and you're just being a petty
little bitch but sure, go on.

honestly, i hate you
ok so
i was on the same train as
that cute boy again
and perhaps i stared a bit too much- he was sitting in front of me like how can i not-
so he noticed and he looked up
and guess what

he caught you staring?

no haha
why would you think that

god, jaemin
you're so embarrassing why are we friends

i!! can't!! help!! it!!
he's adorable
he looks cute with his scarf on

why don't you say that on his face, coward

i have this thing called dignity
you probably don't know that
since you don't have any

says the one who kept staring at a complete STRANGER and making them UNCOMFORTABLE

who said he was uncomfortable?????

why would he look up if he didn't find it uncomfortable?

because i'm cute duh

you're hopeless


e put his phone back in his pocket as soon as the train stopped for a while. he knew that this was the stop of the person in front of him.

he was right. the boy took his book and walked out of the train, leaving jaemin with his thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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