First day at Camp

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It was now the day of everyone going to the training camp and everyone was outside waiting for the bus.

"Alright Class, don't expect that this camp will just be you goofing off and all that you better prepare yourself because this camping trip will be complete hell if you want to get Quirk permanent licences" said Aizawa.

This made everyone take it seriously but there were some that we're still excited to have fun even Ochako came towards Izuku getting really close to him all excited.

"You excited about this trip too Deku!?" said Ochako.

"Hell yeah, but Ochako can you move back a little, you're too close" said Izuku with a slight blush.

This made Ochako turn red as well remembering what Aoyama said to her as she try to do something to distract herself.

"Come on everyone, let's hear it for camp!!!" said Ochako.

Then she started to move and clapping around while chanting camp, even Mina and Kaminari join in with Ochako.

"It looks like they're pretty excited about this trip" said Izuku with a smile and a sweatdrop.

But then soon enough, Class 1-B join them but a certain someone from it started to mock Class 1-A.

"Look it's Class 1-A, I heard that you had 5 people failed the finals, oh what a shame, you're probably dying from the embarrassment and your class is supposed to be better than ours!? Ha what a joke!" said Monoma.

And he would kept going until...

"I bet the Demon was one of the failed students, I mean who am I kidding, why wou-" said Monoma but was immediately knocked out by Itsuka and surprisingly Izuku behind him.

Itsuka look at Izuku surprised as he just shrugged his shoulders.

"He was getting on my nerves" said Izuku with a smile.

"Yeah sorry about his behavior, especially to you Izuku" said Itsuka.

"Don't worry about it, besides it kinda felt good knocking him out.." said Izuku as he laughed while patting Itsuka's head which she blushed at.

This cause Class 1-B look at Itsuka who was actually like a big sister of their class to be surprised that she was blushing.

"Um Izuku everyone is looking at us..." muttered Itsuka.

Izuku look to see everyone looking at them, especially the girls of Class 1-A who has a jealous aura around them as Izuku sweatdrop as he stop patting Itsuka's head which she pouted at and that made Class 1-B even more shocked then the bus came.

"Oh look the bus is here, I guess we should be going now, come on everyone into the bus" said Izuku to his class.

"I guess we should too" said Itsuka still blushing.

As all of Class 1-A got on their bus and Izuku sat next to Bakugo in the front row next to Aizawa.

"Okay here's the deal, we'll be there for about an hour before our first stop" said Aizawa.

"Why aren't we blastin' some music!?" said Kaminari but everyone was talking over to each other.

"No one should be standing! That is a safety hazard! Please stay seated!!" yelled Iida while standing.

"Man this is going to be a long....ride...." said Izuku sweatdropping.

"No kidding/ Tell me about it" said Bakugo and Aizawa at the same time.

Then the bus was now heading towards the training camp and after an hour, as they were heading towards to their destination, they stopped.

"Alright, everyone off the bus" said Aizawa.

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