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"DREAM!" George squealed, jumping forward a bit before running.

"George!" Dream kept up from his spot as he saw George followed by creepers across the lake.

"GEORGE MAKE THEM BLOW UP IN THE WATER!" Dream yelled, cupping his mouth to try and make his words louder.

"DREAM!" George yelled again. George jumped into the lake and swam towards the center. Thankfully, the creeper hadn't exploded, George was too far away.

The three creepers followed George into the water, determined to get him.

"GEORGE IF THEY BLOW UP IN WATER IT WONT HURT YOU! YOU GOTTA TRUST ME GEORGE!" Dream yelled out. George felt panic fill his form as he swam.


George closed his eyes tight and swam towards the creepers. He heard the sizzle and shut his eyes tighter than ever.

Three individual booms sounded and George was simply pushed back. George quickly opened his eyes and sighed once he saw he hadn't taken damage.

"Dream!" George swam to the shore near dream and got out of the water, shaking from how cold it was and the fear that remained in his body.

"George you did it!" Dream trapped George in a tight hug.

"L-Let's keep fishing." "George we don't have to you seem pretty shaken." George shook his head and sprayed Dream with water. "I-I'm fine. Besides, if we give up that means I caught the biggest fish." George held up the cod from earlier.

Dream groaned. "You're on. But if you wanna head home just say so."

George nodded. "Okay. But thanks Dream. I think that's the closest ive come to dying so far."

"Let's let be the closest." Dream tilted his head as he spoke. George casted his line again, sitting on the cold ground.

"Do seasons change in minecraft? It's been getting colder." George spoke up. Dream sat criss cross staring at his bobber. "Not sure. You also gotta take into effect that some things changed to fit it to be realistic." Dream said, not looking away from his line.

George started at Dream before blinking once. "I find it so odd that things turn into blocks if you place them. Like if you take a clump of rock and place it, it almost resembles the shape of a cube."

"George you don't have to talk to fill the silence if you don't want to." Dream laughed a bit. George looked down a bit but looked up once his bobber did like the name suggested and bobbed.

Reeling it in he discovered it was just leather. Dream laughed a bit at George's expression. George casted his line again before shivering as a breeze ruffled his wet hair.

Dream patted the ground beside him and George scooted over to sit beside Dream. "I'll block the wind if you sit right there. It'll be a bit warmer too. Body heat, y'know?" Dream said.

George smiled a bit as Dream looked forward. "How can you breathe under that mask? Isn't it stuffy?" Dream turned to him before looking forward again.

"In real life, yes, it's stuffy. In minecraft it's like non existent and I can breathe through it fine... It's... Weird." "Do you-" "Yes George I still have a face under this mask." George smiled and looked forward. He opened his mouth to speak but Dream cut him off.

"No George you can't see my face." George groaned and Dream laughed at the response.

"Shut up and catch some fish." George said looking forward again. So they did.

Done Playing Games (DreamNotFound/Geam)Where stories live. Discover now