Chapter 27

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Angies point of view

It's been a few weeks since harry and I broke up. Let me tell you I've been a mess ever since, the day I got home I went straight to my room and stayed there for four days crying. Everyone at home knows what happened, but Isaac doesn't think it's what it looks like, he says things don't add up for Harry's actions. But my point was taken when more pictures of those two appeared on Twitter. Emma told me the boys new album would drop today at midnight.
And yes despite everything I ordered the album.

At around 11:30 p.m. My phone started ringing I thought and hopped it was harry, but it was close to being harry. Niall. I hesitated to answer, but it wasn't any of the boys fault for what he'd done.

"He-hello?" I said as my heart beating against my chest.
"Angie?! Oh my god you answered! I didn't think you'd answer!" He said excitingly.
"Yeah I'm sorry I haven't answered any of you guys... It's just a bit hard." I said trying my best not to cry.
I heard a door close and footsteps on the other line.
"Hey Niall who you talking to?" Liam asked.
"Uhm... Hang on li. Uhm hey can I tell him who you are?" Niall asked me.
"Yeah it's-" I was saying as the door closed once again. Two new voices were with Niall now. Zayn and Louis. God I missed all of them, even harry.

"Uhm do you still want-" he was saying.
"Yeah. Yeah go ahead Niall." I said quickly.
"Guys it's Angie." He said to them. There was silence for a couple of second then all of them started talking all at once.
"Wow guys one at a time." I said laughing.
"Ang is it really you?" Zayn asked.
"Yeah it's me." I said as tears started forming in my eyes. We all talked for a good few minutes.
"How are love? You know after...?" Louis asked.
I heard a smack followed by an "ow."

"You don't have to answer that love," Zayn said.
I was expecting for them to ask me that and that's when the tears I was holding back came out.
"I miss him guys." I whispered in the phone.
"Oh love-" some one was about to say when that voice I've been missing walked in and said, "hey guys who are you talking to?" My heart broke and I clicked on the end button.
I climbed into bed and noticed I had a notification from iTunes, the boys album was ready for download. I waited a couple of minutes for the whole album to download. I plugged in my headphones and feel asleep listening to them sing.

Harry's point of view

I was walking up to our hotel room I had just come from a "date" with taylor. When I walked in Niall and Liam's room they were talking on the phone with someone, all four of them looked at me surprised. Niall reached for his phone, looked at it and frowned. "Hello guys? Who was on the phone?" I waved my arms in the air.

"Oh nobody." Liam said standing up.
"Yeah ok." I said laughing and made my way to sit next to Liam.
All of them gave each other a look and then looked at me.
"Ok what did i do now?" I asked.
"Uhm no noth-" Zayn was saying when Niall blurred out.
I started at him for a couple of minutes to see if I understood him right, while the boys gave him a disappointing look.
"What...really? What'd she say? Is she ok?" I asked standing to my feet and making my way to Niall.
He looked at the rest of the boys then at me.
"She's- she's good Hazz." He gave me a small smile.
"She also miss-" Louis was saying, but Zayn and Liam crashed their hands on his mouth.
"She what? Louis she what?" I asked desperately, "Liam, Zayn please."
They removed their hands from his mouth and I looked at Louis for him to continue what he'd said before.
"She said she misses you harry." He looked down at his hands.

"Hey guys it's 12. The album is out, why don't we do a LiveStream? It's been forever since we've done one."
Niall said trying to ease the tension.

"Yeah that's a good idea." Zayn said.
Niall sent out a tweet about it and five minutes later we were all seated on the couch.

"Hey guys how are you?" Louis said waving at the camera. The message board went nuts with question and asking us to say hi to curtain people.

"Hi Monica." I smiled and waved.
After about 30 minutes of answering questions and goofing of, the question I dreaded to be asked came up.
"@itsbeth: harry what happened with you and Angie.?"

The guys looked at me and I just looked away. I wasn't ready to talk about her.

"@1dimages: guys could you pretty please sing Where Do Broken Hearts Go? It's my fave song."

Niall read it out loud and looked at us for approval. I didn't want to sing that song because it reminds me of her, but I didn't want to let anyone down so I went with it.
Liam counted down.
"1...2...1 2 3."

" Counted all my mistakes and it's only one Standing out from the list of the things I've done All the rest of my crimes don't come close To the look on your face when I let you go So I built you a house from a broken home
And I wrote you a song with the words you spoke It took me some time but I figured out How to fix up a heart that I let down"

Niall started of and I mouthed out the words as he did. I bit the inside of my cheek trying to keep back the tears.

"Now I'm searching every lonely place
Every corner calling out your name
Tryna find you but I just don't know
Where do broken hearts go
Where do broken hearts go .

Yeah, the taste of your lips on the tip of my tongue Is at the top of the list of the things I want Mind is running in circles of you and me Anyone in between is the enemy."

I got read for my line and looked straight at the camera imagining her there in front of me.

"Shadows come with the pain that you're running from Love was something you never heard enough
Yeah it took me some time but I figured out How to fix up a heart that I let down."

I couldn't stand it anymore I couldn't finish the song. I stood up and made my way to the restroom as the tears made their way down my face. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat but I failed to do so and broke down crying. I sat on the bathroom floor crying when someone knocked on the door.

"Just leave me alone guys." I said as my voice cracked.
"Mate open up please." Zayn said knocking again.
I reached for the lock button and pushed it. Soon all my four best friends walked in and sat on the floor with me and hugged me.
"I can't do this anymore, it's killing me. It's killing me not having her by my side." I said looking down at my hands.
"Why haven't you tried calling her mate?" Louis asked.

"Trust me Lou, I have. I call her just hoping she'd answer, but I always get her voicemail." I sniffed.

"Let's just get some rest Hazz. You need sleep, we'll talk about this tomorrow." Liam said helping me up.

As I made my way to mine and Zayn's room I grabbed my phone from the night stand and laid in bed. I unlocked my phone and started looking through my pictures, all of them of me and her. I looked at old messages as well. I missed her and I had to do something about it.

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