Chapter 9: Brandon Volts and The Church (4)

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What is the difference between a utopia and a dystopia? Was it the opinion of the masses, the virtue of the system, the sacrifices, or the limitations placed on the people? What made Gaia 'perfect'?

Or to be exact: Why did they consider it perfect?

The answer was simple: Gaia Humans had freedom of choice, but they had to be responsible for how their actions would be perceived by others. No one on Gaia was given the right to ignore 'community'.

It was similar to a commune of sorts.

People needed each other. Therefore, everyone had a place in society. They had a purpose given to them from birth, and so... They become satisfied with their current lives and lived everyday to the fullest!

Not because they were given a task...

...but out of a sense of clear responsibility.

They felt they were special.

Actually needed by the world.

That each cog in the system was irreplaceable.

Some might ask what about a person's interests and hobbies? However, there no concept of any of that on Gaia. There wasn't a reason for them to seek out their talents when it is listed down from birth.

Success was a paved road with no detours.

These were the 'good people' in the eyes of the Luminous Church. They applaud those who fulfil their role. They also gave these 'cogs' the personal acknowledgment every person needs in their lives.

Priests told the people about how important they were, and how they should be thankful for the gifts they are given by the Will of Gaia. This was since all are born equal in Gaia, with only 'Roles' differing.

The 'Luminous Religion' believed a pure heart could help perfect this society. So long as one was pure and sincere, the Holy God will bless them. Gaia will send down a person to help them. That was all that's left.

At least, that's what is written on paper...

A hero wasn't inherently better than a 'Farmer' or 'Sword Warrior'. The only difference between them was what role they had in society. No one other than the 'Imperials' were put on a pedestal. Even noble rankers and commoners were on the same level.

The church didn't just teach religion, but also how to live one's life in this systematic world. They had their hands stretched into all aspects of life. Their clear presence unable to be destroyed without extremes.

That's how they gained universal influence...

Of course, no matter how much the world itself tried to grow 'good apples' in a greenhouse, there would always be bad and rotten apples. Those which were considered people who reject their inherent 'role'.

These were those who abandoned their 'humanity'.

They had become traitors of the Human Empire.

Also known as 'Classless Beasts'...

These were the people who have rejected the role their most loving 'Mother Nature' has lovingly given them. These people who thought they could still live after defying Gaia. Becoming nothing but animals.

At least, that's how the luminous church saw it. A lecture was given to Alex, Arthur, and a few others after they came to be informed of their new responsibilities as squires recruited by the hero.

And those listening to the lecture agreed:

"That makes perfect sense!"

"What idiots..."

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