Chapter 44

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I felt my body still from the tingle's rush, and I took a moment to soak up the subdued feeling that saturated me

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I felt my body still from the tingle's rush, and I took a moment to soak up the subdued feeling that saturated me. I had left my Edward, but somehow I didn't feel the need to grieve or break down in tears. Not in this moment. There was something akin to contentment or acceptance that ran through my veins, instead of the denial and sadness I had expected. Perhaps it was waiting in the shadows, or maybe it would never come because I had truly accepted Edward's death along with that of Elizabeth and Edward Senior. I had known all along that I wouldn't be allowed to stay with them forever and that at some point they would die. So maybe I wouldn't feel the pain I had half expected when I left Edward to Carlisle's capable hands.

I sighed and opened my eyes to a darkened bedroom. Even in the dim night's light the bedroom seemed luxurious. Satin sheets shimmered and a slit of light from the door bounced off a crystalline vanity set and mirror.

The faint sounds of a party echoed up the stairs, and I felt an itch of excitement build in me.

I wanted to go to the party, to dance, talk and socialise like Edward and I had so many times during our mortal relationship. Deep down I knew that really I just wanted to be surrounded by people in this time. I felt it was something I needed to do, but in reality it was just something I wanted.

With my decision made, I dropped my bag to the floor and flicked on the small lamp that sat on the vanity. Its warm light bathed the grand bedroom in a nice glow and illuminated the presence of a large ornate wardrobe at the far side of the bedroom.

I walked gleefully towards the pretty piece of furniture and opened the doors wide, registering the slight creak of the old wood moving against the hinges. I admired the masses of fabric in front of me, all different textures, colours and patterns. The owner of this collection enjoyed the chance to dress up, that much was clear from the extensive range of formal dresses. I could remember a time when such a sight would have stunned me. I would have spent hours fawning over the luxurious outfits, but not now. Edward had bought me far too many pretty things for me to be shocked by this collection. I glanced mournfully at my bag knowing that only a few of his gifts were stashed within.

I thumbed through the styles and colours, but there was really only one garment that caught my eye, so I pulled it free from the bursting wardrobe.

The ebony silk of the full length dress swirled in the air as I spun it from its hiding place. I watched happily as it fluttered back to a state of stillness, although the light caused the dress's surface to look as if it rippled.

I didn't waste any time before removing all my clothes and slipping the exquisite dress over my slim frame. The bias cut meant that it sat perfectly on my every curve, tracing my slender body shape down to just below my hips, before it flared out gently into a pooled trail at my feet. I travelled across the room with the silk slipping over the thick gold carpet and stopped in front of a full length mirror. I turned my body to view the dress from different angles and smiled at the way it highlighted my best features. The neckline was a subtle V that plunged to skim my well developed cleavage, and the back dipped lowly until finishing with a simple bow just above my rear, showcasing a soft expanse of my creamy skin. All in all, the dress was perfect and the strong black formed a pleasing contrast against my porcelain skin and pale blonde hair.

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