Broken soul(s): ch.1

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I walked with devenity as we looked dead

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I walked with devenity as we looked dead . the one person we both cared about besides each other has passed away from drug overdose we stand over his coffin to not hear the jokes he said causing us to laugh and smile just us three we were alike but had our differences never judged each other once , his smile , his laugh , his smell we'll never get to hear or smell it again . We continued walking and walked over to his family we put fake smiles on and we hugged his mother
"if you ever ever need anything ms.lopez please contact me" I smiled slightly she nodded
"I know how close you both were to him he talked about you guys a lot , you made him feel welcomed to the universe and I couldn't thank you guys more" she said and hugged us both again I can't cry we pulled back and went to our seats
"if we made him feel welcomed to the universe-"
"why'd he overdose" we both said and looked at each other you could see in our eyes we were broken

we both were walking not one word spoken to each other and I think it was because we both felt it was our fault even if we tried to think it wasn't it would hurt us more putting certain details together connecting it to being our fault
"I don't understand" she spoke I looked at her
"we both don't understand" I spoke we stopped in front of her house we looked into each other's eyes we were both hurting badly I pulled her into a hug as we both cried on each other's shoulders . we were both ugly criers and we'd always laugh at each other for it but we couldn't we faked smiled to each other and said our goodbyes I turned to my left and seen the attention we got from the los santos I gave them a small smile and continued walking . it was dark I sat on the bench for hours it's all your fault I kept saying to myself how could I convince myself it's not my fault? I'm fucking stupid if I would have went to his house that day he would still be alive right now .
"you alright" a deep voice said I looked up it was the los santos leader .. I think?
"trying to be" I said he sat next to me
"wanna talk about it?" he asked I shook my head
"understood , well the best I can do is give you a ride" he said I shook my head again
"I'll walk" I sighed and stood up he did the same
"walk alone in free ridge at night? not safe , I'm taking you home" I couldn't argue with him it was true freeridge isn't safe at anytime but night time it's worse and I'm to tired to argue
"okay" I said we walked over to his car and he started the engine and took off . once we arrived to my house I got out
"thank you" I said he nodded I unlocked my front door and walked inside closing the door and locking it , it keeps me a little safer than it being unlocked I took of my long coat and shoes I grabbed a beer and opened it I walked upstairs and into my room I changed in a pair of purple sweatpants and a cropped black shirt I took off the little makeup I had and earrings I went back into my room and took another drink of my beer and laid down on my bed and cried .

broken soul(s)

I didn't expect this chapter to be that sad I just put some of my ideas into this chapter . But did you like it ? Or should I stop ?

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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Broken soul(s) | oscar diaz Where stories live. Discover now