Abandon All Hope

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        "Will, you know I care about you, but this cant keep happening! You need to leave." Meg, the bartender of Stubborn Sal's bar, exclaimed.

"It wont happen this time, i give you my word. I just came for a couple of drinks." William said. He wandered in the bar quite often, and everytime, he causes trouble. Getting into fights with other customers, leaving messes for Meg to clean, and being stubborn. Will is known for his drunken anger and foolish confidence. He got like this after Lisa filed for divorce, she kicked him out the same week. Will was a complete wreck after that, he even lost his job at Roman Industries. He was the CEO, but everything fell apart when his best friend chose to go through the rest of her life without him.His younger brother, Ben, took care of him. He set him up in a small aprtment on the other side of town. While Will did appreciate what was done for him, he was utterly disappointed that he couldnt get anywhere better, especially considering his high positioned job, but he took what was given to him.

"Will, I've trusted you before and it ended with you being arrested and getting a black eye. Now, I know you don't mean no harm but I just don't know if I can risk it." Meg tried to reason with him, but all it didn't was upset him.

"You know what, I don't need you or your bar. I don't want your flat beers, I'll go somewhere else, and I won't ever come here AGAIN" Will stormed. He was heated, he wanted to punch something, but instead decided to walk out of the bar while he still had what dignity he had left. William walked down a couple of blocks, speaking under his breath about everybody he passed by "Why are you so happy? Who told you everything is all peachy?" "Can't you just go away, always walking around like you are all big and bad." "Look at this joker, looks like a penguin trying to fly." When will was angry at one person, he was angry at everyone. Next thing he knew -wham- he was on the ground. "Get off me you-" he didn't even get to finysh his sentence before he noticed who was his assaulter.

Bigby, the towns sheriff, turned arrests into a sport. He hunts down his prey, and attacks when they are least cognizant. This time, however, Will was not in any kind of trouble. Bigby just felt like tackling a poor soul in the middle of the street. "Hey there my prized buck." Bigby teased. 

"Yea yea, well jokes on you, im nobody's game tonight. I ain't done nothin' so you can go ahead and buy me a drink fo rthat tackle or i will have your job." William threatened. He didn't really mean, however; he understood that Bigby was indeed joking around, but he felt that any representative of the government and their laws should most certainly act more professiona, especially when they are wearing their uniforms. 

"After the many times i've done arrested you, you think anyone will care for what ypu have to say? You may not have your senses WIll, but you sure are funny. Have you ever thought of becoming a comdedian?" Bigby jokingly asked. "You tell the WHOLE world exactly what you think of it and make a fortune because all you are is a big fat joke." He suddenly became serious. "You know, i've done this job a long time, before you were even out of high school, but i swear, i have never came across such a dirt bag like you. Most people clean up their act, but you... you just dont learn." Bigby stood up, afterwards helping up Will.

"I thought you liked having me around. Your arrest record went up so much they promoted you to Sheriff. Thought you'd be just a tad bit grateful." Will smugly stated. He was getting tired of Bigby's presence, and wished he would disappear from in front of him, but the way his night was going, it seemed as if he would never get what he desired. "Or is Sheriff not enough for you, you need to arrest me some more so they can make you captian of the city, Captian Bigby: Hardworker day and night."

"Keep that up, and i'll arrest you for sure," Bigby joked, "ya' know what, let me treat you to a drink, how about the usual spot?" 

"That actually sounds really nice, but we gotta go somewhere else, Meg is in one of her moods and is refusing to serve me. Can you believe it, women." 

"Maybe its becuase of all of the furniture she has had to replace after you deciede to get drunk and destroy the bar, but that is just a guess. Dont worry though, i'll have you in check, let's go."

Will agreed; he never thought about how his drinking actually effected her, after all, she did have to clean up after him. The walk back may be short, but it felt like an eternity to William. He couldn't remember the last time he actually thought about cleaning up his act. 

As they entered the bar, Will almost immediantly was pushed back out. "I told you you're not allowed in here. Get out." Meg said, almost wanting to yell, but didnt want to completely make a scene.

"Meg, it's alright, I've got him in check, he wont get out of control tonight, you have my word." Bigby promised, he wnated for everyone to give Will another chance, he knows what it like to be judged based off of the past, even if Will's past was last week. Meg almost didn't want to, but she trusted Bigby, not to much given how he was a cop, but he got her out of more trouble than she would like to remember. "Alright cop, but if he gets messed up and destroys my bar, it's you thats getting the bill."

"You have my word that we will be our best behavoir tonight. Besides, us lower folk need to stick together, one day, we will stick it those snobs up north, and we will change the name of the bar from 'Stubborn Sal's' to Bigby's Brews." Bigby joked. He knew how to get on Meg's side. She absolutely adored it when people talked positive about her bar and it's future, even if she did detest the idea of it being called Bigby's Brews. He did spit out a topic of conversation: the north. Living in South Tateville was almost like something out of a book. It was unbelievable that there was so much poverty and so much crime in such a small area. 

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