Reader bio

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Name: (Y/n)

Nickname: (n/n)

Gender: female

Age: 18-22 (you can choose the exact age)

Eye color: (e/c)

Hair color: (h/c)

Hair length: (h/l)

Hair style: (h/s)

Body shape: (b/s)

Favorite color: (f/c)

Mother/father name: (m/n) / (f/n)

A/N: Hi everybody! Welcome to my first reader insert story!(*・ω・)ノ I've had this idea for a while now and had no idea how to start. But now that I have quite an idea how this story plot should be, I'm ready to accept this mission٩(。•ω•。)و ! I will include some Oc monsters/mythical creatures as well, who I originally planned to include only in a Oneshot and scenario book that I'll maybe start sooner or later oωo. If there are any mistakes then tell me, maybe you'll find something that didn't make any sense. English is not my first language so I'll apologize in advance <(_ _)>.

I hope you'll enjoy it and have fun reading!

See ya!💖

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