☆Chapter 4☆

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Through the city gate and beyond

Warning: Some swearing


This is it. Who will it be? You aren't sure, you think of all the interactions you had with all the people you met in this short time. Glancing around the room you look at everyone until your gaze meets the one of a certain male's. 'Alright here goes nothing...'

"I'll choose..."


"...Galen Dragoumis." The answer to the king's question leaves your (skin color) lips swiftly. Said male widens his amber eyes at you in surprise, his mouth just slightly agape at your proposition. The look he gives you makes you believe that he didn't see that one coming, probably expecting someone else to be picked. Someone more like one of the knights you were seeing guarding the castle and city. And he's not the only one in the great throne room who's surprised.

Either way the king clears his throat to grab everyone's attention, your gaze fixing upon the royalty sitting on his throne. "It won't be the same without our trusted ministerialis and only mage of the kingdom if he leaves. But because it is your decision, we won't question it adventurer. For you, will know what's the best.", the king nods in approval followed by his wife next to him. "And we're sure he will appreciate your choice, Dragoumis has not really a lot going on in this castle ever since the last event some years ago."

Glancing at the ravenette you catch a little glimpse of his lips turn down just a tad bit at the queen's statement, before forming back into a soft smile. Although not as bright as before. Everyone seems to agree with the kings words, except for the young knight Beverlye who's been standing with fist clenched tight behind his back, by the older man's side. His frown growing slowly as he quickly kneels down in front of the royal pair, his voice lacing with bewilderment, "But your majesty.", he keeps his head low as he continues. "You once yourself said that a knight, more specifically, a knight who's been preparing themselves for their whole life to sacrifice it, if it means to safe our kingdom.. Might be the best suited choice to go on this journey. So please let me go instead!"

The loud "no" and thumb of king Victor's staff, which he hit the grey floor with to silence the knight in front of him echoes through the room. Making Lionel slightly flinch from the sudden action. Milan grabbing onto Adom in shock, by the old man raising his voice so suddenly. The red head watching with tired yet attentive orange eyes. All the while you nervously watch their short interaction, hearing some soft whimpers from your small friend in your bag. "The girl has made up her mind and that's final. You will respect her choice.", "...yes your majesty." The brunette hesitates before fully straightening up again and taking his place beside the king.

"Then it's settled. After you prepared everything for your departure you will travel towards and over the Borderline if I'm correct?", Having no idea what the king meant and being here for only just two days, hardly seeing or hearing anything about this world for you to know what the Borderline is, you answer slowly. "Yes..? I guess so?"

You can only assume it's just a normal border leading to another part of the country, like a river or something. Wait didn't the voice of the dragon in your dream mention it last night? Your little train of thought gets interrupted by the king rising up from his throne together with his wife and speaking up again. "Now then, this will maybe be the last time we'll see you adventurer. Although it was a really short time, we were honored to meet you and have you stay with us in our kingdom.", the king and queen bow their heads and you do so in return. Alicia orders the others to prepare for your leaving, before giving you and your new traveling companion their good luck wishes for your journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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