We'll chase has been texting Mykala and here are some text
C- I want you back I can wait come back to me!!!
M- no I don't even want you in my life anymore.
C- if you don't come back then I will kill you.🔫
M- and all I gotta do is show the police this.😡Mykala started texting her best friend keely
M- what do I do? He won't leave me alone!😩
K- come move in with me.
M- I don't want to be a bother to you and Luke.
K- you won't I promise.👍
M- okay I'll be there in 5 hours!
K- k!!🏃💨🚗
K- oh lol.Chase found out and told Mykala that if she don't come back that she was going to cut off her big toe.