So I'm in middle school and this year one of my ex best friend decided to have a sleepover birthday party and of course everyone there was a band nerd and knew the songs by heart. Well all the people there I knew and there was one boy who started the catastrophe, we all had a kazoo and he started playing our school song (I hate me school but band is where most of all the good Crackheads are)eventually we all joined in and it was about 10pm and of course her parents walked in and say us.
Keep in mind we are all in 8th grade but my ex friend one year younger then all of us. So her parents saw us and started recording and I'm not joking it was so much fun. After that we decided to make some rice, there where two batches the one that was dyed green and the one that was actually good. The green one looked like someone threw green paint in dry rice and put cold water in and let it sit all night. This person's party's where always strange and can usually get a little annoying but being the stupid person I am always forgives her.(for some reason...?)
It was really fun we even had helium and that's when the real crackhead cult started once again. Our one male friend had the best helium voice and it was hilarious. So many things went down that I can't put into words but believe me it was a fun party
Sorry this is short it's my first story and I kinda wanna make the next story me ranting about the ex best friend (I'm so nervous posting this but thank you and correct me I know I have a lot of run on sentences)
story time about my crackhead friends
Humorthese are story's that have happened with me and my friends that act like Crackheads I've known them since 5th grade some of these will be me ranting about a couple people that I trusted and pissed me off just thought the world should know